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Ferroviaire et matériel roulant

Rolling Stock Computing Solutions

Train Intelligent Digital Security

Train Computer guards public safety and security with video surveillance

The safety and security of public transportation services has become a major issue as the frequency, severity and sophistication
of security breaches and attacks are rising. For the public‘s interests and smooth operations of public transportation services, onboard surveillance systems present a cost-effective solution and call for the help of train computers.

Downloads: Application Note nROK 5500 Train Surveillance

Rail Computer combats fare evasion & unveils ROI by counting ridership

Calculating ridership allows rail service operators to put their profitability under close scrutiny. In the rail operation, the number of passengers using a rail service has several important applications, enabling rail service operators to evaluate the scale of fare evasion, assign fixed operating costs to a route and adjust service schedules. Making precise and reliable calculation of the ridership, therefore, holds great significance and is tasked to NEXCOM‘s rail computer nROK 3000.

Downloads: Application Note nROK 3000 Rail Service

Safety Monitoring in Mass Transit Systems with VCODECH264-D4
Mass transit system operators are increasingly looking to automation to improve safety and increase efficiency of commuter transportation.

The VCODEC-H264-D4 Recording and Preview feature provides all round situational awareness to the train driver for increased passenger safety, while high quality multi-channel video recording provides material for archival and evidential purposes.

Safety Monitoring in Mass Transit Systems with VCODECH264-D4
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