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Press Releases
messweb masters in der Motorworld Böblingen messweb masters in der Motorworld Böblingen 04.09.2024 #216
Am 24./25. September 2024 öffnet die messweb masters in der Motorworld Böblingen wieder ihre Tore und bietet kompakte Informationen zu den neuesten Entwicklungen und Applikationen aus den Bereichen Automotive Testing, Messtechnik und Sensorik. Auch wir sind wieder als Aussteller vertreten und präsentieren am Stand Nr. 9 A+B unsere innovativen Lösungen:


Robuste Panel-PC VMC 320 und VMC 3030 bietet mehr Intelligenz, Kompatibilität und Interoperabilität im Fahrzeug Robuste Panel-PC VMC 320 und VMC 3030 bietet mehr Intelligenz, Kompatibilität und Interoperabilität im Fahrzeug 24.05.2024 #215
DELTA COMPONENTS und unser Partner NEXCOM präsentieren die neuen 10,1-Zoll-All-in-One-Computer VMC 320 und VMC 3030 für die robuste Fahrzeugmontage mit Schutzart IP65, IK08 und einem 1.000-Nit-LCD-Panel für optimale Lesbarkeit bei Sonnenlicht. Mit ARM- bzw. x86-System-architektur können Entwickler zwischen dem VMC 320 mit Linux-Freiheit oder dem VMC 3030 mit Windows-/Linux-Kompatibilität wählen. Darüber hinaus unterstützen VMC 320 und VMC 3030 Eingangsspannungen von 9 bis 60 Volt DC, was eine flexible Installation ermöglicht und sie für verschiedene Fahrzeuge wie Busse, Polizeiautos und Gabelstapler geeignet macht.
Vehicle Mount Computer VMC 320 / VMC 3030
KI entwickelt sich zum Game-Changer im Katastrophenmanagement: Von Reaktiv zu Proaktiv KI entwickelt sich zum Game-Changer im Katastrophenmanagement: Von Reaktiv zu Proaktiv 16.05.2024 #214
Im Laufe der Geschichte war die Menschheit ständig mit der Bedrohung durch Naturkatastrophen wie Erdbeben, Wirbelstürme, Waldbrände und Überschwemmungen konfrontiert, die das Potenzial hatten, weitreichende Zerstörungen und den Verlust von Menschenleben zu verursachen. Allerdings läutet der Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) dank technologischer Fortschritte eine bedeutende Revolution im Katastrophenmanagement ein.
AI as Game-Changer in Disaster Management
Die Leistungsfähigkeit der Fahrzeugtelematik nutzen: Kompakte Lösungen verbessern den öffentlichen Nahverkehr für eine intelligentere, sicherere und angenehmere Mobilität Die Leistungsfähigkeit der Fahrzeugtelematik nutzen: Kompakte Lösungen verbessern den öffentlichen Nahverkehr für eine intelligentere, sicherere und angenehmere Mobilität 15.05.2024 #213
In der geschäftigen Stadtlandschaft können Busse als Rückgrat "intelligenten" Transports dienen, Gemeinden verbinden und das Stadtleben vorantreiben. Für die Zukunft der städtischen Mobilität bringen diese "intelligenten" Busse Innovationen in den Bereichen sicherere Straßen, reibungslosere Abläufe und zufriedenere Fahrgäste. Die Erschließung dieses Potenzials benötigt die Verwendung von Fahrzeugtelematikdaten, einer transformativen Kraft, die das Fahrermanagement, die Anlagenwartung und den Fahrgastservice revolutionieren kann.
VTC 1920 & VTC 6231 as Compact Telematics Solutions
JetStream Multi-Channel Video KI JetStream Multi-Channel Video KI 04.04.2024 #211
Der JetStream ist ein Mehrkanal-Video-KI-Trägerboard für Jetson™-Module. Der JetStream bietet zwei HDMI- und acht Composite-Videoeingänge, sodass Mehrkanal-Video-KI-Anwendungen schnell entwickelt und bereitgestellt werden können. Diese SWaP-optimierte Lösung ist ideal bei anspruchsvollen Anwendungen für Militär und Kommunikation sowie in der Transport-, Bergbau- und Energieindustrie.
JetStream Multi-Channel Video AI Carrier Board
DeltaSmart GNSS to CAN-Bridge M9N DeltaSmart GNSS to CAN-Bridge M9N 03.04.2024 #210
Die von DELTA COMPONENTS neu entwickelte DeltaSmart GNSS to CAN-Bridge ist ein automotivtauglicher GNSS-Empfänger, der GNSS-Daten über CAN mit definiertem Botschaftslayout und definierten CAN-IDs sendet. Positionsdaten können im Fahrzeug dank dieser Lösung direkt vom CAN-Bus bezogen werden. Der Aufwand für Verkabelung und softwareseitige Integration kann somit z. B. in der Fahrzeugentwicklung und Erprobung stark reduziert werden. Die Genauigkeit und Konsistenz von Log-Daten erhöht sich, da auf die Verwendung multipler GPS-Empfänger verzichtet werden kann.
DeltaSmart GNSS to CAN-Bridge M9N
Welcome to a smarter world!<br>Einladung zur embedded world 2024 Welcome to a smarter world!
Einladung zur embedded world 2024
03.04.2024 #209
Vom 09. bis 11. April 2024 ist es wieder soweit: die embeddedworld – internationaler Treffpunkt der Embedded-Community – öffnet ihre Tore und bietet einen unvergleichlichen Einblick in die Welt der eingebetteten Systeme. Seien Sie live dabei und tauschen sich mit der Community und internationalen Experten aus.

Auch wir stellen wieder in Halle 1 Stand 338 aus. Hier ein Auszug unserer diesjährigen Exponate:


DeltaTINYCar-PC DeltaTINYCar-PC 28.03.2024 #208
Der DeltaTINYCar-PC ist der Winzling unter unseren automotiven Box-PC. Mit seiner Intel Core i7 CPU der 8. Generation ist er für große Rechenaufgaben im automotiven Umfeld prädestiniert. Der integrierte DC/DC-Wandler ermöglicht den Betrieb des Rechners bei Eingangsspannungen von 9-36VDC. Integrierte Verpolungs- und TVS-Überspannungs-Schutzdioden schützen den Eingang. Darüber hinaus bietet eine selbstheilende Multifuse Schutz vor zu hohen Eingangsströmen.
Delta Interactive Whiteboard 86 Delta Interactive Whiteboard 86" 26.03.2024 #207
Die Touch-Oberfläche dieser Produktneuheit ist benutzerfreundlich, ihre Bild- und Videodarstellung brillant, ihre Anbindung an die digitale Infrastruktur (Mobilgeräte, Firmennetzwerke) nahtlos. Mit True Optical Bonding, 4K-Auflösung, 40 Touchpoints und fast 1,1 Mrd. darstellbaren Farben definiert dieses Whiteboard Kommunikation und Präsentation neu. Ab jetzt erstellen, revidieren, speichern und teilen Sie Inhalte und Arbeitsergebnisse in allen Geschäfts- und Schulungsumgebungen digital: Präsentationen, Flowcharts, Prozessanalysen, Kennzahlen, u.v.m.. Das Whiteboard eignet sich perfekt für Online-Meetings. Durch die eingebauten Mikrofone und Kameras gestaltet sich die Kommunikation über die Distanz völlig unkompliziert.
Delta Interactive Whiteboard 86"
DeltaOpenABK-PC 7 DeltaOpenABK-PC 7" 14.12.2023 #206
Die Bezeichnung "openABK" steht für "offenes Anzeige- und Bedien-Konzept" - ein herstellerübergreifender Standard, der insbesondere die einfache Visualisierung und Verarbeitung anfallender Messwerte in der Fahrzeugerprobung ermöglicht. Der DeltaOpenABK-PC 7" wurde konstruiert, um in jeder Hinsicht eine optimale Performance für diesen Einsatzzweck zu bieten. Er integriert alle benötigten Funktionen und Eigenschaften, um auch anspruchsvollen Aufgaben gerecht zu werden, bietet jedoch aufgrund seiner offenen Systemarchitektur Raum für projektspezifische Änderungen und Erweiterungen.
DeltaOpenABK-PC 7"

Video: DeltaOpenABK-PC 7" - Produktvorstellung

Video: DeltaOpenABK-PC 7" - Produktvorstellung
messweb masters in der Motorworld Region Stuttgart messweb masters in der Motorworld Region Stuttgart 25.09.2023 #205
Vom 26. bis 27. September 2023 ist es soweit: die messweb masters in der Motorworld Region Stuttgart öffnet ihre Tore und bietet einen unvergleichlichen Einblick in die Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz in den Bereichen Messtechnik, Sensorik und Automatisierung. Auch wir sind dieses Mal als Aussteller vertreten. Seien auch sie live dabei und tauschen sich mit der Community und Experten vor Ort aus.


Unleashing Streaming Limitations and Accelerating the Edge AI Inference for Safer and Smarter Railway Unleashing Streaming Limitations and Accelerating the Edge AI Inference for Safer and Smarter Railway 22.09.2023 #204
The Game Changer - DELTA COMPONENTS's nROK 7270 and nROCK 7271 meet the growth demand for vision-based obstacle detection by high-speed camera and edge AI inference, featuring the latest Intel® 12th/13th Gen Core™ CPU with Performance Hybrid Architecture and Intel® Thread Director to meet the heavy video streaming, wireless/5G communication, AI model inference and integrated NVR/PIS applications for the rolling stock and railways markets. As smart railway initiatives continue to evolve, these system takes railways applications to new heights.
nROK 7270/7271 Fanless Rolling Stock Computer

Video: nROK 7270/7271 Lüfterlose Bahncomputer

Video: nROK 7270/7271 Lüfterlose Bahncomputer
Full HD HDMI over IP Extender for Passenger Information and Infotainment Systems Full HD HDMI over IP Extender for Passenger Information and Infotainment Systems 18.09.2023 #203
DELTA COMPONENTS has a new Full HD HDMI over IP system for public transport applications that extends HDMI signals to over 100m and makes the broadcast of video in in-vehicle PIS (Passenger Information Systems) and infotainment systems simpler and easier.
HDMI-Over-IP Extender
Life Matters: AI-Driven Vehicle Computer ATC 3750 Empowers Safer Roads and Saves Lives Life Matters: AI-Driven Vehicle Computer ATC 3750 Empowers Safer Roads and Saves Lives 18.09.2023 #202
The ATC 3750 is a powerful and compact embedded SoM system designed for inference workloads in applications like collision avoidance for mining or rolling stock. Equipped with the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin™, an AI inference accelerator that is optimized for high-performance and low-power edge computing applications, this system can deliver up to 200/275 TOPS of processing power. As a result, it is an excellent choice for high-performance computing and AI operations, all in a compact and efficient form factor.
ATC 3750
VES 31-4S/8S and VES 31-4SR/8SR Mobile PoE Switch Ignites Telematics Applications VES 31-4S/8S and VES 31-4SR/8SR Mobile PoE Switch Ignites Telematics Applications 18.09.2023 #201
A reliable and safe transportation system is significant in improving the economic development, health, and well-being of the society. Today, countless people rely on public transportation to commute to healthcare services, whereas businesses depend on it to lower costs. DELTA COMPONENTS reacts to the issue by introducing VES 31-4S/8S and VES 31-4SR/8SR, the fanless unmanaged mobile vehicle and railway PoE switch respectively. Certified along with unique features, it is designed for telematics applications such as surveillance management, wireless gateway, and Passenger Information System (PIS) applications.
VES 31-4S/8S and VES 31-4SR/8SR
The In-Vehicle AI-Aided Telematics Computer VTC 7260-xC4 Leads the Way The In-Vehicle AI-Aided Telematics Computer VTC 7260-xC4 Leads the Way 18.09.2023 #200
To cope with the boom of e-commerce and direct delivery trends, machine learning (ML) is currently greatly integrated into ADAS, public works, intelligent traffic system (ITS), and countless warehouse applications. Provided with advanced computing power, extension capability, and high connectivity, DELTA COMPONENTS's in-vehicle AI-aided telematics computer, VTC 7260-xC4 is used as the core of vehicles to help deploy applications like smart public transit, smart agriculture/construction, and automated intralogistics.
VTC 7260
AI Powered In-Vehicle Computer VTC 7270 Presents Unparalleled Service And Safety AI Powered In-Vehicle Computer VTC 7270 Presents Unparalleled Service And Safety 01.09.2023 #199
The continuous exponential growth in the global population has created challenges for the traditional transportation system as it struggles to improve traffic congestion and reduce pollution. In the hope of bringing forth a more efficient and sustainable transportation system, DELTA COMPONENTS introduces the VTC 7270, its latest fanless AI powered in-vehicle telematics computer. This high-performance general-purpose 5G communication hub is one of the core components of smart vehicles, needed to help create a smart city.
VTC 7270
VTC 7270
VTC 1031 and nROK 1031 Compact PCs Pave Way for Vehicle and Railway Applications VTC 1031 and nROK 1031 Compact PCs Pave Way for Vehicle and Railway Applications 01.09.2023 #198
In modern society, providing high-speed public wireless communication is significant in fulfilling commuters' busy lifestyles. DELTA COMPONENTS responds by introducing the VTC 1031 and nROK 1031, their compact mid-range vehicle and Railway PC respectively. Equipped with Intel Atom® x6413E processor, I/Os, and expansion slots, it offers convenient wireless gateway, video surveillance, and Edge AI computing safety, maximizing the adventure experience for everyone.
VTC/nROK 1031
VTC/nROK 1031
VTC 1030 and nROK 1030 Fanless Box PCs for Vehicle Fleets and Rolling Stock VTC 1030 and nROK 1030 Fanless Box PCs for Vehicle Fleets and Rolling Stock 01.08.2023 #197
Fast wireless communication is the new kid on the Block, driving technological advancements for buses and railways. The rise of 5G NR for high-speed, long-distance connectivity, and Wi-Fi 6E for super-fast local connections, is prompting vehicle operators to find a quick and easy way to integrate these new technologies into their buses and trains, and leverage IoT in their operations.
VTC/nROK 1030
VTC/nROK 1030
vROK 3030 Open Frame Panel PC for Railway Passenger Information Systems vROK 3030 Open Frame Panel PC for Railway Passenger Information Systems 01.08.2023 #196
The proliferation of passenger information systems (PIS) is challenging Railway operators to find more efficient ways of utilizing space within the train. The vROK 3030 Railway open frame Panel PC allows railway operators to replace the traditional setup of Box PC, screens, and cables with a sleek vROK 3030 Open Frame Panel PC and screens.
vROK 3030
vROK 3030
Fanless Box-PC 300-A Series - Intelligent AI Computing System Enhances the Manufacturing KPIs for Better Profit Fanless Box-PC 300-A Series - Intelligent AI Computing System Enhances the Manufacturing KPIs for Better Profit 01.07.2023 #195
In the post-pandemic era, localized and distributed manufacturing are crucial to reduce regional military conflict and supply chain issues. AI-auxiliary analysis and smart manufacturing analytics are hot topics for plant managers and business owners. By integrating advanced AI and OT/IT technologies, including ERP and MoM systems into factories, various benefits are achieved, including increased OEE, optimized defects and costs, reduced downtime and failure rate, and energy savings.
Fanless Box-PC 300-A Series
The Fanless In-Vehicle Computer VTC 210 - Break Ground for Smart Traffic The Fanless In-Vehicle Computer VTC 210 - Break Ground for Smart Traffic 01.07.2023 #194
In modern public transit, utilizing digital signage for Passenger Information System is greatly demanded, due to its extreme practicality yet cost-effective, it fulfills the demands for telematics applications. However, to provide this operating tool, public transit must first search for a highly dependable in-vehicle computer meeting certain certified standards while simultaneously include onboard power control and good data output ability. The fanless in-vehicle computer, VTC 210 has been shaped for this purpose.
VTC 210
VTC 210
ATC 3540/3750 Computers Transport Intelligently ATC 3540/3750 Computers Transport Intelligently 01.06.2023 #192
The ATC 3540 and ATC 3750 series are advanced Edge AI platforms for railway vehicles. These cutting-edge solutions utilize NVIDIA® Jetson Orin™ NX and NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™ AI inference accelerators, enabling enhanced driving aids and obstacle precaution applications for rolling stock.
ATC 3540/3750
ATC 3540/3750
Automotive Testing by DELTA COMPONENTS Automotive Testing by DELTA COMPONENTS 12.06.2023 #191
Testen, messen, erproben, auswerten – die Anforderungen sind komplexer denn je und Automotive Testing ist bei der Einführung neuer Technologien essentiell. Sind Sie auch täglich in diesem Umfeld tätig und setzen auf Partner, die Ihnen in Sachen robuste und zuverlässige Hardware bedarfs- und kundenorientierte Lösungen bieten? Wir stehen für professionelle Embedded Computersysteme und Anzeigegeräte. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Entwicklern und Applikationsingenieuren und das gemeinsame Ausarbeiten der optimalen Lösung sind unser Spezialgebiet und ein langfristiges, partnerschaftliches Miteinander unser Ziel.


Welcome to a smarter world!<br>Einladung zur embedded world 2023 Welcome to a smarter world!
Einladung zur embedded world 2023
10.03.2023 #190
Vom 14. bis 16. März 2023 ist es wieder soweit: die embeddedworld – internationaler Treffpunkt der Embedded-Community – öffnet ihre Tore und bietet einen unvergleichlichen Einblick in die Welt der eingebetteten Systeme. Seien Sie live dabei und tauschen sich mit der Community und internationalen Experten aus.

Auch wir stellen wieder in Halle 1 Stand 338 aus. Hier ein Auszug unserer diesjährigen Exponate:


Neue DeltaTablet-PC in 5 Neue DeltaTablet-PC in 5", 7" und 10,1" 04.01.2023 #189
Die robusten DeltaTablet-PC in 5", 7" und 10,1" sind für raue Arbeitsbedingungen ausgelegt, egal ob im Innenbereich, mobil in anspruchsvoller Outdoor-Umgebung oder in den unterschiedlichsten Einsatzfahrzeugen. Die MIL-STD-810G zertifizierten DeltaTablet-PC sind nach IP67 nicht nur staub- und wasserdicht, sondern ihr robustes Gehäuse bietet auch Schutz bei Stürzen aus bis zu 1,5 Metern Höhe. Darüber hinaus überzeugen die robusten Tablet PC mit einer hohen Helligkeit und einer brillanten Lesbarkeit auch bei direkter Sonneneinstrahlung.


Proving Ground Conference 2022 in Aachen und Aldenhoven Proving Ground Conference 2022 in Aachen und Aldenhoven 29.08.2022 #188
Autonomes Fahren, Elektrifizierung, Fahrzeu­g-Kon­nek­ti­vität, Videoverarbeitung in Echtzeit, Künstliche Intelligenz, Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, maximale Sicherheit im Betrieb: Nie waren die Anforderungen in der Fahrzeugentwicklung und Fahrzeugerprobung komplexer als heute. Daher möchten wir Sie heute auf die erstmalig am 13. und 14. September 2022 stattfindene Proving Ground Conference mit Demonstrationstag am Aldenhoven Testing Center und Konferenztag an der RWTH Aachen aufmerksam machen. Seien Sie dabei, wenn sich Anwender, Betreiber, Zulieferer und Unterstützer in nicht-kommerzieller Weise austauschen.


Welcome to a smarter world!<br>Einladung zur embedded world 2022 Welcome to a smarter world!
Einladung zur embedded world 2022
15.06.2022 #187
Es ist soweit: Nachdem die embedded world 2021 nur in digitaler Form stattfinden konnte und die embedded world 2022 von März auf Juni verschoben werden musste, trifft sich die Embedded-Community vom 21.06.-23.06.2022 wieder "LIVE" in Nürnberg. Wir freuen uns sehr darauf, endlich wieder persönliche Gespräche mit dem Fachpublikum führen zu können. Besuchen Sie uns in Halle 1 Stand 338. Gerne zeigen wir Ihnen unsere Produkthighlights:


Compact ATC 3530 with NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX brings IP67 Protection to In-Vehicle AI Edge Computing Compact ATC 3530 with NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX brings IP67 Protection to In-Vehicle AI Edge Computing 18.01.2022 #186
The NVIDIA® Jetson series opens the door to powerful edge computing without the overhead of power-hungry GPU add-on cards. The NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX strikes the right balance between power savings and onboard processing power on a single space-saving SoM. Now, the ATC 3530 harnesses that power by combining in-vehicle functionality with AI-aided recognition computing into an IP67 compact fanless embedded system ready for vehicle-to-everything (V2X) inference workloads.
ATC 3530
ATC 3530
Fanless Box-PC 70 ignites smarter Manufacturing: Real-time Statistics leads to better Decisions Fanless Box-PC 70 ignites smarter Manufacturing: Real-time Statistics leads to better Decisions 08.11.2021 #184
The concept of war rooms has been widely spread for years and its implementation has greatly boosted the quality of decision-making and inspired business innovations. While the idea of staying "connected" is making its way towards the center stage into the manufacturing process, reacting to the incoming message right on the spot is even more crucial for the management at a distance. The Fanless Box-PC 70 is DELTA COMPONENTS' and our Partner NEXCOM's latest enterprise gateway solution targeting remote management.
Fanless Box-PC 70
Fanless Box-PC 70
VMC 220: The Ideal Rugged Vehicle Mount Computer VMC 220: The Ideal Rugged Vehicle Mount Computer 05.11.2021 #183
Vehicle Mount Computers must be as tough as nails to handle the daily pounding from day-to-day use. The solution is a mobile rugged computer that can handle the regular exposure to direct sunlight, dust and water that all take a toll on the system. The VMC 220 is a mobile Panel-PC for in-vehicle use with a robust set of core features, a healthy complement of additional extras, making it the ideal driver display PC for many vehicle applications.
VMC 220
VMC 220
VTC 7252-7C4IP brings Reinforced Monitoring for Safer Public Vehicles VTC 7252-7C4IP brings Reinforced Monitoring for Safer Public Vehicles 26.10.2021 #182
In-vehicle surveillance is a practical yet cost effective manner to keep track of all events onboard, providing faithful records of passenger activities as well as real-time cockpit status for enhanced protections. DELTA COMPONENTS and our Partner NEXCOM has never stopped innovating on mobile communications and the latest IP65-grade invehicle computer, VTC 7252-7C4IP, with more features beyond surveillance, enables a higher level of security for passengers and cabin crew. The 5G-enabled mobile PoE computer supports live streaming video, making quick communications with command room on the remote a reality. Multiple certifications reinforce protections in harsh environments. IP65 offers proof against water and dust while military-grade MIL-STD-810G guarantees shocks and vibrations are of no threats.
VTC 7252-7C4IP
VTC 7252-7C4IP
High-Brightness LCD-TFT Displays und Monitore High-Brightness LCD-TFT Displays und Monitore 11.08.2021 #181
In Applikationen mit hoher Umgebungshelligkeit sind Anzeigegeräte mit guter und kontrastreicher Ablesbarkeit unverzichtbar. Hier sind unsere LCD-TFT Displays und Monitore mit hoher Helligkeit bei geringer Leistungsaufnahme die ideale Lösung. Neben der manuellen Einstellung kann die Displayhelligkeit auch automatisch über einen optionalen Lichtsensor an die Umgebungshelligkeit angepasst werden. Das spart Strom, erhöht die Lebensdauer und bietet auch bei wechselnder Umgebungshelligkeit die optimale Ablesbarkeit. Durch eine optionale Anti-Glare Oberflächenbehandlung (AR Beschichtung / Ätzverfahren) lassen sich Reflektionen an der Glasoberfläche stark reduzieren.


Taking Vehicle Mount Computers Forward: VMC 2020 Taking Vehicle Mount Computers Forward: VMC 2020 03.05.2021 #180
Finding a Vehicle Mount Computer that can withstand a wide range of environmental conditions without taking damage is a challenge. DELTA COMPONENTS and our Partner NEXCOM answered the challenge in developing the 8-inch, 1.280 x 720 resolution VMC 2020, with projected capacitive touch screen. The comprehensive vehicular system is most suitable for vehicles such as trucks, forklifts, cranes – and even police cars, taxis and buses – especially in transportation, logistics, material handling and import/export markets. It's certified to protect against external conditions in warehouses and ports that include rain/high humidity, sunlight, external impacts and unexpected power interruptions. When integrated with other peripherals, the VMC 2020 becomes an all-in-one mobile Panel-PC that maximizes productivity and convenience.
VMC 2020
VMC 2020
DeltaUSV - Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung DeltaUSV - Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung 27.04.2021 #179
Die DeltaUSV wurde für den Betrieb in mobilen und stationären PC-Systemen konzipiert. Mit einem Eingangsspannungsbereich von 6 bis 36 VDC und einem einstellbaren Ausgangsspannungsbereich (Factory Setting) von 6 bis 36 VDC ist die DeltaUSV flexibel und in vielen Anwendungen einsetzbar.


Welcome to a smarter world!<br>Einladung zur embedded world 2021 DIGITAL Welcome to a smarter world!
Einladung zur embedded world 2021 DIGITAL
23.02.2021 #178
Vom 01. bis 05. März 2021 trifft sich die internationale Embedded-Community auf der embedded world 2021 DIGITAL wieder – die weltweit größte Fachmesse rund um Embedded-Technologien. Fachbesucher und Teilnehmer dürfen sich auf fünf spannende Messe- und Kongresstage freuen, an denen sie den wichtigsten Trends und Trendsettern auf einer virtuellen Plattform begegnen können. Auch wir sind mit dabei und freuen uns, Ihnen unsere neuesten Produkte, Technologien und Dienstleistungen zu präsentieren.


The newest IoT Gateway is a Fanless Box-PC Choice for small Spaces The newest IoT Gateway is a Fanless Box-PC Choice for small Spaces 01.02.2021 #177
Rethinking IoT and factory automation needs, NexAIoT brings you the newest arrival to the Fanless Box-PC 50 series. As this series has become the dominant slim-size IIoT gateway in the industry with annual sales volume of over 20.000, we've decidedly taken functionality up a notch in delivering the new Fanless Box-PC 52. This Fanless Box-PC is a fantastic value, stacking a comprehensive selection of I/Os in a low-power, compact system. The first of the Fanless Box-PC 50 series to support a triple display, it's an excellent fit for tight spaces in war rooms and central monitoring. The Ethernet-based LAN ports and mini-PCIe expansion slots further ensure that the fanless computer is the most effective connectivity solution for industrial applications.
Fanless Box-PC 52
Fanless Box-PC 52
How Railway-AI Box-PC 8110 is revolutionizing Railway AI Computing and Intelligent Surveillance How Railway-AI Box-PC 8110 is revolutionizing Railway AI Computing and Intelligent Surveillance 27.01.2021 #176
DELTA COMPONENTS and our Partner NEXCOM introduce the most cutting-edge member of the Railway AI computer family, the Railway-AI Box-PC 8110. In delivering a variety of powerful in-train AI recognition and machine vision applications, this Railway Box-PC offers powerful CPU-GPU combinations and extra PCIe 3.0 slots for discrete graphics, inference or frame grabber cards. Its purposeful design protects components from adverse heat, power and vibration/shock conditions. The AI inference accelerator also features advanced surveillance capabilities: just pair GigE, USB or PoE IP cameras with ample, ultra-fast NVMe M.2/U.2 storage. The Railway-AI Box-PC 8110 is further equipped for complex telematics purposes while providing abundant storage for all of your data-intensive needs.
Railway-AI Box-PC 8110-A
Railway-AI Box-PC 8110-A
ATC 3200 - The unparalleled AI Solution for advanced Traffic Management Systems and Snapshots ATC 3200 - The unparalleled AI Solution for advanced Traffic Management Systems and Snapshots 25.01.2021 #175
AIoT, the marriage between IoT and AI, is driving – no pun intended – the potential of AI-enabled transportation and automation solutions, as well as Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS). That's why DELTA COMPONENTS and our Partner NEXCOM's Mobile Computing Solutions group is thrilled to introduce the ATC 3200, a compact, AIenabled gateway suitable for both in-vehicle and stationary applications. Comparable to embedded boxes but with more functionality, the fanless computer features MIPI SerDes camera serviceability, 5G sub-6GHz communication capabilities, in-vehicle ignition control, software support and ruggedized design, ensuring that it's the perfect combination of AI capabilities at a bargain price point.
ATC 3200
ATC 3200
More, More, More! Meet the nROK 7252 Railway Computer More, More, More! Meet the nROK 7252 Railway Computer 09.12.2020 #174
You wanted more options, we delivered! In maximizing your valuable investments, DELTA COMPONENTS and our Partner NEXCOM newest nROK 7252 railway computers bring you a greater variety of storage bays and power supply solutions (isolation and protection against temporary voltage dips), while maintaining the valuable connectivity and surveillance features and solid design of previous nROK models. Passengers can easily and effortlessly connect to the Internet and access infotainment via 5G networks, while drivers will appreciate the ability to monitoring onboard conditions through PoE video cameras. Especially built for suboptimal environmental conditions, the nROK 7252 series is a clear win for the railway computing world. Choose from a variety
nROK 7252 Series
4 Reasons why the Railway-AI 19 4 Reasons why the Railway-AI 19" RACK-SERVER Type 2 is the Top Choice Railway Computer 09.12.2020 #173
Railway networks prepare for the latest and greatest, as DELTA COMPONENTS and our Partner NEXCOM presents the Railway-AI 19" RACK-SERVER Type 2 , our newest, top-notch and AI-enhanced railway computer. The computer has been carefully conceived to outmatch competitors' comparable solutions in several aspects. It serves three main purposes: AI edge computer, security storage server, and communication hub. The smart rackmount design with front-facing I/Os saves valuable space, yet maintains high performance while providing a spectrum of AI-enhanced uses to keep passengers safe and equipment up-to-date.
Railway-AI 19" RACK-SERVER Type 2
Ride the nROK 7251 Train to 5G Communication and Video Surveillance Ride the nROK 7251 Train to 5G Communication and Video Surveillance 09.12.2020 #172
The newest member of our Partner NEXCOM's Mobile Computing Solutions (MCS) railway computing family is here, the nROK 7251. Backed by an Intel 9th-Generation Core™ CPU, the railway computer is particularly designed for 5G communication and video surveillance with multiple mini-PCIe and M.2 expansion, SIM card and M12 PoE slots. To protect against potential interruptions in power supply, we offer two different models, with or without power isolation. What's more, the nROK 7251's rugged design is built for longevity and suboptimal conditions with multiple certifications, wide operating temperature range, and thermal dispatch system.
nROK 7251
Discover how Vehicle Solutions with Google Coral promise Sophistication and Efficiency Discover how Vehicle Solutions with Google Coral promise Sophistication and Efficiency 09.12.2020 #171
DELTA COMPONENTS and our Partner NEXCOM are thrilled to present its series of Google Coral AI Edge telematics solutions, featuring the Edge TPU Accelerator. Coral allows you to quickly, efficiently and securely perform inference at the edge, avoiding the additional time and costs of uploading to a centralized cloud. With our collaboration with Google, we've created all-in-one AI ecosystems that support several specific use cases in the transportation and public works sectors, including object detection and condition monitoring. Our Coralenhanced solutions currently include the VTC 6222-GCIoT,VTC 7251-GCIoT, MVS 2623-GCIoT, nROK 6222-GCIoT and nROK 7252-GCIoT.
Discover a Myriad of intelligent AI Edge Vehicle Computing Options Discover a Myriad of intelligent AI Edge Vehicle Computing Options 09.12.2020 #170
For users in the transportation industry who want to unleash the power of AI in their computing systems, yet are also most comfortable with using Intel-based solutions, DELTA COMPONENTS and our Partner NEXCOM's Mobile Computing Solutions group brings you Movidius' Myriad™-X-enhanced transportation computing solutions: the ATC 8010-7B, VTC 6222-IMIoT, VTC 7251-IMIoT, nROK 6222-IMIoT and nROK 7252-IMIoT. With a choice of mini-PCIe and MXM form factors to match the spectrum of computing needs, these industrial AI edge computers are best suited for inference purposes, allowing operations to become safer and more efficient, while using the most uptodate AI edge technology.
Hardware Systeme für Railway-Anwendungen Hardware Systeme für Railway-Anwendungen 09.11.2020 #168
Die Anforderungen an die IT in Railway-Anwendungen steigen stetig.
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI/AI) ist für die Mobilitätsbranche ein erheblicher Faktor hin zu noch mehr Flexibilität im IT-Bereich. Gerade in der Bahnindustrie wird dadurch mehr Service und Komfort an der Fahrgastschnittstelle, eine hohe Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit im operativen Bereich sowie die Gewährleistung der Sicherheitsaspekte ermöglicht.
Diese Zielsetzung braucht die richtige Hardware! Denn die Applikationen im Railwaybereich sind vielfältig und anspruchsvoll:


Think smarter with the High-Performance VTC 7251-7C4 Vehicle Telematics Computer Think smarter with the High-Performance VTC 7251-7C4 Vehicle Telematics Computer 14.07.2020 #167
The future of intelligent transportation systems is here with the VTC 7251-7C4 vehicle telematics computer. Based on the industry-leading Intel Core™ processor family and incorporating state-of-the-art wireless communication hardware (PoE, WWAN, GNSS tracking), the cost-efficient computing solution provides a variety of connectivity and expansion ports to ensure that you can link every one of your devices. With a flexible and durable design that's MILSTD-810G tested and e-Mark certified, the VTC 7251-7C4 is especially suitable for communication and surveillance uses in smart cities (public transportation, government facilities) and specialty vehicles (for law enforcement, video surveillance etc.)
VTC 7251-7C4
The next Level of Fanless Systems with the new Fanless Box-PC 4300 Series The next Level of Fanless Systems with the new Fanless Box-PC 4300 Series 14.07.2020 #166
In our quest to continually update computing solutions to reflect your needs, DELTA COMPONENTS and our partner NEXCOM brings you the Fanless Box-PC 4300, our next generation of advanced Intel Core-based fanless computers. With a variety of I/O ports to connect your peripherals, it's particularly suitable for factory automation and other indoor industrial uses. Its resistive touch and IP20 rating also ensure customizability as a panel PC, making the Fanless Box-PC 4300 an all-in-one package for everyday needs, even as an edge server and IoT gateway.
Fanless Box-PC 4300 Series
Efficiency meets Practicality in the Fanless Box-PC 108 Industrial Gateway Efficiency meets Practicality in the Fanless Box-PC 108 Industrial Gateway 14.07.2020 #165
Compact and streamlined, the Fanless Box-PC 108 is DELTA COMPONENTS and our partner NEXCOM's newest industrial gateway. We've carefully selected each connectivity component to ensure your convenience and easy assembly. The thoughtful design further guarantees that the standalone embedded computer will withstand shock and vibration as well as effortlessly pair with display panels for use in, but not limited to, factory, agricultural and service settings.
Fanless Box-PC 108
Rugged 8 Rugged 8" Fanless Touch HMI Slim Panel-PC Type 2 enhances Safety of Public Transportation 10.07.2020 #164
According to statistics, 90 percent of bus accidents happen because drivers do not pay much attention and stay focused while they are driving. Other than giving the training to bus drivers on regular basis, Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) can also help to enhance safety on the move and ensure everyone safer public transportation services. Not only does ADAS assist in monitoring driver's behavior and reducing accidents, but it also helps central management understand the status of vehicle. Therefore, car accidents can be greatly avoided. Product Page: Rugged 8" Fanless Touch HMI Slim Panel-PC Type 2
HMI Slim Panel-PC
Automotive Box-PC, KI-Automotive Box-PC, Railway Box-PC Automotive Box-PC, KI-Automotive Box-PC, Railway Box-PC 17.02.2020 #163
Künstliche Intelligenz, Deep Learning, autonomes Fahren, zentrales Flottenmanagement über Cloud, GPS, WiFi - diese Zukunftstechnologien sind ohne zuverlässige, flexible und leistungsstarke Hardware nicht realisierbar. Hier ein Auszug der aktuellen Systeme zu diesem Thema:

Neben der ATC 8010-7A/7B/7AF/7DF Serie bietet nun auch die neue ATC 8110/-F Serie mit einer großen Auswahl an leistungsstarken Intel


Stay Ahead of Business Rivals with the High-Performance Fanless Box-PC 3900 Series Stay Ahead of Business Rivals with the High-Performance Fanless Box-PC 3900 Series 21.01.2020 #162
DELTA COMPONENTNS and our partner NEXCOM are proud to introduce a new series of reliable and highperformance fanless computers, the Fanless Box-PC 3900, which features advanced performance with its 8th generation Intel Core™ CPU and flexibility in functional expansion. The Fanless Box-PC 3900 Series is also designed with a variety of I/O interfaces and wire / wireless transmission abilities to cope with the increasing demand for edge computing and IoT applications.
Fanless Box-PC 3900
Reach your Business' next Peak with the Fanless Box-PC X300 Series Reach your Business' next Peak with the Fanless Box-PC X300 Series 21.01.2020 #161
In continuing to provide a high-quality customer experience, our partner NEXCOM has launched the Fanless Box-PC X300 Series, a high performance fanless computer, powered with 8th Generation Intel Core™ i-series processors. With its 190 x 200 x 54.4 mm size, the modernlooking Fanless Box-PC X300 uses a TPM2.0 IC to enhance cyber security. By specifically choosing an i5 or i7 processor, it is further equipped with vPRO remote management capability. And with its versatile I/O interface design, it's ideally suited to meeting the demands of smart city and miscellaneous electronic applications, such as digital signage, drive-through systems and retail solutions.
Fanless Box-PC X300
nROK 6221 / VTC 6221 Mobile Communication Hubs connect the Way nROK 6221 / VTC 6221 Mobile Communication Hubs connect the Way 20.01.2020 #160
Our partner NEXCOM is proud to introduce its latest series of mobile communication hubs, the nROK 6221 (rolling stock), nROK 6221-IP (rolling stock with IP65 certification) and VTC 6221 (in-vehicle telematics computer), which maintain the durability and slim design of earlier models yet now feature five adaptable expansion slots for cellular connectivity and alternative options.
nROK 6221 / VTC 6221
Monitor Vehicles 24/7 with the nROK 6222 / VTC 6222 Mobile Computing Solution Monitor Vehicles 24/7 with the nROK 6222 / VTC 6222 Mobile Computing Solution 20.01.2020 #159
You have put hard-earned and precious capital toward purchasing vehicular transport, but you are concerned about ensuring your new vehicles' safety and security. How do you know that your drivers are trustworthy and carefully operating your vehicles? What do you have in place to document any accidents? Our partner NEXCOM introduces the fundamental solution to these concerns with the nROK 6222 / VTC 6222, a rugged mobile computer specifically designed to connect with IP surveillance cameras for monitoring purposes. It also assists with centralized fleet management via cloud, GPS and WiFi.
nROK 6222 / VTC 6222
Driving the next Stage of Law Enforcement Vehicle Telematics with the ATC 8110 Driving the next Stage of Law Enforcement Vehicle Telematics with the ATC 8110 20.01.2020 #158
The world has watched the evolution of automated vehicle technology closely, ardently anticipating life becoming easier and simpler. The development of Artificial Intelligent (AI) has especially been a critical component that allows vehicles to operate independently. Our partner NEXCOM embraces the need for state-of-the-art AI in introducing the new Advanced Telematics Computer 8110.
ATC 8110
Noch mehr Auswahl bei der Monitorserie DeltaVarioMon Noch mehr Auswahl bei der Monitorserie DeltaVarioMon 04.11.2019 #157
Unsere DeltaVarioMon-Serie für mobile und automotive Anwendungen wurde um folgende Modelle erweitertet:

DeltaVarioMon 7"
mit kapazitivem TouchScreen, Helligkeit 850cd/m², WSVGA Auflösung

DeltaVarioMon 13,3" Typ 1 und Typ 2
mit resistiver (Typ 1) oder mit kapazitiver, entspiegelter (Typ 2) TouchScreen Oberfläche, Helligkeit 1.200 cd/m², Full High Definition Auflösung


Master your Signage Solution with Fanless Box-PC B327/B328-KI3 Digital Signage Player and PowerDigiS Master your Signage Solution with Fanless Box-PC B327/B328-KI3 Digital Signage Player and PowerDigiS 17.09.2019 #156
In order to meet various requirements from different aspect of market applications, our partner NEXCOM has launched two digital signage players, Fanless Box-PC B327 and B328-KI3 Digital Signage Player (DSP) for customers to choose from according to their needs.

The Fanless Box-PC B327 DSP is an entry-level fanless embedded computer, featuring a variety of I/O interface to ensure flexible expansion. It also comes with competitive market price that helps reducing business costs.

For advanced-level digital signage player, Fanless Box-PC B328-KI3 DSP is small in size but huge in scalability. With Intel Core™ i3 SoC processor and supporting HDMI 1.4 display output, this 4K signage player enhances user experience by powerful graphic process for large screen.
Fanless Box-PC B327/B328-KI3
Cutting Edge In-Vehicle Computing now a Reality with the ATC 8010 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Edge Computer Cutting Edge In-Vehicle Computing now a Reality with the ATC 8010 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Edge Computer 17.09.2019 #155
Our partner NEXCOM is ushering in the future of invehicle AI (Artificial Intelligence) edge computing with the Advanced Telematics Computer (ATC) 8010. Leveraging an Intel Core™ i7 processor, 8 ports PoE, NVIDIA 1050Ti/1080 GPU and Intel Movidius™ MA2485 VPU, implementing an in-vehicle AI edge computer system is now quicker and less complex than ever before.
ATC 8010 Series
Optically bonded Touch Panel Technology Optically bonded Touch Panel Technology 16.04.2019 #154
The new series of the "Einbaumonitor IP65" is the perfect choice for industrial and business applications. The capacitive 10-finger multitouch panel brings an easy using experience for a wide range of applications. This series is built for reliable and extended service by using an high quality HD-LCD panel with energy efficient LED technology.
Einbaumonitore IP65
Welcome to a smarter world! - Einladung zur embedded world 2019 Welcome to a smarter world! - Einladung zur embedded world 2019 07.02.2019 #153
Vom 27. bis 28. Februar 2019 trifft sich die internationale Embedded-Community wieder in Nürnberg. Bereits zum 17. Mal findet die weltweit größte Fachmesse rund um Embedded-Technologien statt. Fachbesucher und Teilnehmer dürfen sich auf drei spannende Messe- und Kongresstage freuen, an denen sie den wichtigsten Trends und Trendsettern hautnah und so kompakt wie nirgendwo anders begegnen können.

Wir sind wieder mit dabei in Halle 1 Stand 420 und freuen uns, Ihnen unsere neuesten Produkte, Technologien und Dienstleistungen zu präsentieren.


Neue Plattform für künstliche Intelligenz (KI): Advanced Telematics Computer Neue Plattform für künstliche Intelligenz (KI): Advanced Telematics Computer 24.01.2019 #152
DELTA COMPONENTS präsentiert eine neue innovative Plattform für mobile Anwendungen mit künstlicher Intelligenz. Der AI / KI Fahrzeugrechner für Deep Learning und autonome Fahrzeuganwendungen ist mit einem Intel® Core i7 Prozessor (8. Generation Coffee Lake / 6-Kerne) ausgestattet, welche von der leistungsstarken NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050Ti GPU unterstützt wird.


Body- & Dash-Cameras - <br> Aufzeichnungsinstrumente zur Verbesserung der öffentlichen Sicherheit Body- & Dash-Cameras -
Aufzeichnungsinstrumente zur Verbesserung der öffentlichen Sicherheit
18.12.2018 #151
DELTA COMPONENTS präsentiert Ihnen die neue Produktserie der Body- & Dash-Cameras - optimale Video-, Audio- und Bild-Aufzeichnungsinstru-mente für Polizei, Militär und Sicherheitskräfte.


Modular Vehicle System (MVS) Express Service Modular Vehicle System (MVS) Express Service 30.11.2018 #150
The shorter the development cycle, the greater the chance of a project win. From our long years of experience in the telematics markets, we found numerous challenges including frequent redesigns of I/O interfaces, high research cost, long development cycle, delayed time-to-market, and virtually no vendors taking on projects due to low MOQs. As system requirements vary by project, DELTA COMPONENTS is rolling out MVS Express Service, a custom module design service that can help clients fast-track and facilitate the development of custombuilt solutions.
MVS Express Service
Boosting the versatile Vehicle Telematics Computer for greater Ideals Boosting the versatile Vehicle Telematics Computer for greater Ideals 12.09.2018 #148
Greater ideals need stronger wings to be off grounds for accelerating into farther destinations. We have launched new public transit / public works purposed in-vehicle computer VTC 6220, under the multi-functionality featured category, to provide overall reinforcement, including optional built-in backup batteries, for advanced applications.
VTC 6220 BK
IP65 waterproof Panel-PC satisfying Market-Desire of Vehicle Mount Computer IP65 waterproof Panel-PC satisfying Market-Desire of Vehicle Mount Computer 16.08.2018 #147
The series of products as All-in-One industrial Vehicle Mount Computer is winning international reputation by our clients for its wide applications into Internet of Things. Now, we have further advanced the series through new products with reinforced functionalities providing an insight into better solutions in response to the needs of our users. The VMC 3021 and VMC 4020 are both installed with cameras extending and widening driver's eyesight to increase safety. The independent UPS frees user's worries about any possible abrupt panel shutdowns. The built-in dual SIM slots provide options for switching between signal providers for border crossing, or better receptions or rates. iButton is a good example of applications for our users who want to prevent equipment operation or vehicle startup without authorization if with further system integration.
VMC 3021/4020
Compact PC-based Controller brings high Flexibility and Performance to Factories Compact PC-based Controller brings high Flexibility and Performance to Factories 18.06.2018 #146
The PC-based controller Factory Automation Box-PC 103 is an industrial automation solution that allows clients to facilitate production with a reliable firm grasp on processes while embracing future changes. Powered by Intel Atom ® processor E3826, this PC-based controller takes over entire processes such as sorting, labeling, packing, dispensing and monitoring by providing more flexibility, integration and connectivity in a compact fanless design.
Factory Automation Box-PC 103
Fanless Computers crammed with Superior Performance smooth Industrial Applications Fanless Computers crammed with Superior Performance smooth Industrial Applications 04.05.2018 #145
The Fanless Box-PC 3800 Series of fanless computers consolidates high computing power, enhanced expandability and connectivity for industrial requirements. Supporting 6th and 7th Intel Core™, Pentium and Celeron processors paired with Intel Q170 Chipset, this series delivers advanced processing and powerful image manipulation. Offering superior connectivity and function expansions with maximized endurance and signal quality, the series easily adapts to control CNC machinery, improve machine inspection and facilitate edge server solutions.
Fanless Box-PC 3800 Series
IoT Gateways with IoT Studio assist Business Fostering Cloud Connectivity IoT Gateways with IoT Studio assist Business Fostering Cloud Connectivity 04.05.2018 #144
The IoT Gateway solution comes to bridge the control and management layers of industrial internet of things (IIoT). Featuring acquisition, processing and evaluation of big loads of data to upload valuable data to the cloud, the IoT gateway solution is ready to reinforce industrial environments with data analysis and predictive maintenance. With setup, configuration and deployment made easy, just as security got strengthened, the Factory Automation Box-PC 103-IoT Gateway and the Fanless Box-PC 50-IoT Gateway offers clients a comprehensive approach to make smarter decisions that bring major improvements to their businesses.
IoT Gateways
The Fanless Box-PC B866 DSP packs a visual Punch with six-display support to build Video Walls on Budget The Fanless Box-PC B866 DSP packs a visual Punch with six-display support to build Video Walls on Budget 03.05.2018 #143
The video wall player Fanless Box-PC B866 DSP packs a visual punch with six-display support to inspire, impress and lure. This Digital Signage Multi-Display Player offers stunning visuals, flexible display grid configurations and ease of management through the life cycle. It can scale up the impact and value of video walls by creating impressive multi-display signage in the retail sector, Industry 4.0 war room in the manufacturing industry, surgical display and imaging in the field of medicine, real-time traffic monitoring in the domain of transport and more.
Fanless Box-PC B866 DSP
New High-Performance Fanless HMI Panel-PC & DeltaTablet-PC New High-Performance Fanless HMI Panel-PC & DeltaTablet-PC 27.04.2018 #142
Leistungsstarker Zuwachs bei unseren Panel-PC und Tablet-PC Familien:
Ausgestattet mit leistungsstarken ARM Cortex oder Intel Prozessoren sowie hochauflösenden TFT-LCD-Displays, sind unsere neuen robusten Fanless Touch HMI Panel-PC und DeltaTablet-PC die ideale Lösung für professionelle Anwendungen in industriellen und kommerziellen Bereichen.
Die kompakten Hu­man-Machine-Interface Panel-PC wurden mit modernster Technologie entwickelt und bieten neben Multimedia- und Netzwerkkomponenten auch eine große Auswahl an Steckplätzen, Schnittstellen und Optionen. Dank der lüfterlosen Kühlung sind die Fanless Touch HMI Panel-PC für einen langfristigen Einsatz ausgelegt.


Fleet Management System strengthens monitoring and operational Efficiency of Public Works Fleet Management System strengthens monitoring and operational Efficiency of Public Works 19.04.2018 #141
The fleet management system revamps public works with enhanced monitoring and operational efficiency to boost daily performance. A complete solution with ultraONE+ technology combines the VTC 1011 in-vehicle computer and the VMD 2003 vehicle mount display to feature strong computing power, 360-degree vision for safety of drivers and assets, installation flexibility, wireless communication and GPS tracking for monitoring, to achieve a greater level of monitoring and improved management for faster and reliable service.
VTC 1011 in-vehicle computer + VMD 2003 vehicle mount display
In-Vehicle Computer VTC 1021 encompasses On-Road Vision and operational Efficiency In-Vehicle Computer VTC 1021 encompasses On-Road Vision and operational Efficiency 19.04.2018 #140
The in-vehicle computer VTC 1021 facilitates surveillance and operational efficiency bringing public transit and fleet management into the smart era. Based on Intel Atom® x5-E3940 processor, the VTC 1021 represents a versatile solution combining strong computing power, two PoE ports to add video feed, major flexibility, wireless communication and GPS tracking to record locations, internal activities, driving patterns and vehicle diagnostics for a greater level of surveillance, safety, management and infotainment.
In-vehicle computer VTC 1021
Mobile Surveillance Systems enable stable Connections in Smart Busses Mobile Surveillance Systems enable stable Connections in Smart Busses 19.04.2018 #139
The Mobile Surveillance Systems fulfill mobile surveillance, fleet telematics, in-vehicle infotainment and passenger Wi-Fi simultaneously, simplifying smart bus service delivery. Featuring system performance, flexible customization, industrial-grade reliability and rich software utilities, MVS 5603-C6SMK and MVS 2623-C6SMK are designed from the ground up to offer versatility and functionality required of smart bus applications. With Mobile Surveillance Systems onboard, smart buses can drive toward an intelligent future with enhanced transport safety, service efficiency and passenger satisfaction.
MVS 5603/2623-C6SMK
Unser Feuerwerk an Produktneuheiten für Unser Feuerwerk an Produktneuheiten für "Automotives Computing"! 27.02.2018 #138
Nach den Feuerwerken an Silvester und dem Chinese New Year haben wir für Sie rechtzeitig zur Embedded World Messe ein weiteres Feuerwerk der neuesten Produkte für Mobile, Automotive und Professional Computing.
Ausgestattet mit einem Intel Atom® (Bay Trail / Apollo Lake) oder Intel® CoreTM i7 (Skylake) Prozessor, verfügen die neuen lüfterlosen VTC & MVS Automotive Box-PC über einen eingebauten u-blox NEO-M8N GPS Modul mit optionalem Dead Reckoning Support.
Das modulare Design der neuen MVS Fahrzeugcomputersysteme ermöglicht es Ihnen zusätzlich, die einzeln verbauten Erweiterungsmodule schnell und einfach für den Service oder ein Upgrade separat, je nach Anwendung, auszuwechseln.
Mit der neuen ultraONE+ Technologie werden Bildinformationen, Spannung und das USB-Signal für den verbauten TouchScreen über eine 5m bzw. 10m All-in-One Leitung zwischen dem VTC 1011 Fahrzeugcomputer und dem VMD 2003 Fahrzeugdisplay übertragen, ohne dass die Bild- und Tonqualität beeinträchtigt wird.
Die neuen robusten VMC Automotiven Panel-PC sind mit einem Intel Atom® x7 (Apollo Lake) Prozessor ausgestattet. Bis zu 3 analoge Kameras (CVBS) können am VMC über einen Erweiterungsanschluss angeschlossen werden, wodurch Videoinhalte mit einer geringen Latenzzeit (weniger als 1 Sekunde) angezeigt werden. Die Vehicle Mount Computer sind somit eine professionelle Lösung für die Sicherheit in Fahrzeug- und Logistikanwendungen.
Alle genannten Produkte verfügen über eine E13 Zulassung und sind somit für den Betrieb in Fahrzeugen bestens geeignet und zugelassen.


Welcome to a smarter world! - Einladung zur embedded world 2018 Welcome to a smarter world! - Einladung zur embedded world 2018 12.02.2018 #137
Vom 27. Februar bis 01. März 2018 trifft sich die internationale Embedded-Community wieder in Nürnberg. Bereits zum 16. Mal findet die weltweit größte Fachmesse rund um Embedded-Technologien statt. Fachbesucher und Teilnehmer dürfen sich auf drei spannende Messe- und Kongresstage freuen, an denen sie den wichtigsten Trends und Trendsettern hautnah und so kompakt wie nirgendwo anders begegnen können.

Wir sind wieder mit dabei in Halle 1 Stand 420 und freuen uns, Ihnen unsere neuesten Produkte, Technologien und Dienstleistungen zu präsentieren.


Optimale Videoüberwachung für mehr Sicherheit im Straßen- und Bahnverkehr Optimale Videoüberwachung für mehr Sicherheit im Straßen- und Bahnverkehr 30.01.2018 #136
Die Geräte der neuen NANO-Serie sind Stand-Alone Netzwerk-Videorekorder (NVR), die speziell zur Videoüberwachung mit Live-Ansicht, Aufnahme und Wiedergabe entwickelt wurden. Um einen optimalen Schutz des Fahrers, der Fahrgäste und der öffentlichen Sicherheit zu gewährleisten, können bis zu vier IP-Kameras über die vorhandenen Gigabit PoE-Ports angeschlossen werden.


The Anatomy of rugged DeltaTabletPC 9,7 The Anatomy of rugged DeltaTabletPC 9,7" Typ 2 / Typ 3 and how it empowers the Field Service 21.12.2017 #135
The elegantly designed DeltaTabletPC 9,7" Typ 2 / Typ 3 provides full Windows functionality in a rugged tablet form factor. Measuring just 10.0 x 7.8 x 0.9 inches and weighing just over two pounds, the DeltaTabletPC 9,7" is considerably lighter than most traditional full-size rugged tablets. Its 9.7-inch touch screen with 1024 x 768 pixel XGA resolution offers enough space to run Windows comfortably. There is sufficient wired connectivity on board, as well as a wealth of wireless functionality.
Technical White Paper DeltaTablet-PC-9,7''
Weiterentwicklungen unserer High-End Fahrzeugmonitore Weiterentwicklungen unserer High-End Fahrzeugmonitore 26.10.2017 #134
Die neuen DeltaVarioMon-Versionen sind mit einer sehr hohen Helligkeit von 1.300 cd/m² bzw. 1.400 cd/m² ausgestattet. Dies ermöglicht eine gute Ablesbarkeit auch bei direkter Sonneneinstrahlung. Die Helligkeit lässt sich mit dem integrierten Lichtsensor automatisch an die aktuellen Lichtverhältnisse anpassen. Alternativ können Sie mit dem seitlich integrierten Potentiometer die Helligkeit von 0% bis 100% manuell einstellen.


IP65-rated Modular Vehicle Computer Systems quickly adapt to specialized Trucks IP65-rated Modular Vehicle Computer Systems quickly adapt to specialized Trucks 12.10.2017 #133
The Modular Vehicle Computer Systems allow quick customization for specialized truck, securing project wins for system integrators (SIs). The MVS series has packed two levels of computing performance, a rich set of I/O interfaces and four mini-PCIe slots in a compact IP65-rated enclosure. These Modular Vehicle Computer Systems can meet general function requirements and build up application-specific capabilities with easy expansion, shifting specialized trucks into a high gear in refuse management, sewage service, long haul transport, construction and mining logistics and more.
MVS 2620-IP/5600-IP
Schneller, höher, weiter - unsere neuen "Athleten" in der Box-PC Arena sind am Start! Schneller, höher, weiter - unsere neuen "Athleten" in der Box-PC Arena sind am Start! 27.07.2017 #132
Die lüfterlosen Box-PC der 780x und 790x Serie liegen mit den Prozessoren
• Intel® Xeon® E3
• Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3 - 6th/7th Generation (Skylake/Kaby Lake)
• Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3 - 4th Generation (Haswell)
bestens im Rennen und eröffnen dem Anwender mit einer breiten Auswahl an Erweiterungsbussen, Steckplätzen, Schnittstellen und Optionen größt- mögliche Flexibilität. Bei High-Speed und High Performance Anwendungen bietet die Intel® Xeon® E3 CPU für Embedded Applikationen ein bisher nie dagewesenes Leistungspotenzial.


Enhancing Hospitality & Retailing Efficiency Enhancing Hospitality & Retailing Efficiency 25.07.2017 #131
In spite of the competition from consumer-grade devices, the rugged tablet market still presents great opportunity as there remains a need for the unique characteristics of a rugged device, built to withstand a harsh environment with essential business features such as docking, carry options, integrated sensors that leverage emerging IoT trends and existing demands such as barcode scanning. And all of this taking advantage of maturing 4G broadband wireless technology that gives information to the user at the point of need.
DeltaTablet-PC-8'' POS
Leverage Rugged Mobility to optimize your Business with the ultra-rugged DeltaHandheld-Device Leverage Rugged Mobility to optimize your Business with the ultra-rugged DeltaHandheld-Device 25.07.2017 #130
The rugged mobile market has experienced rapid change of late. The most dramatic change is the influence of the growth of consumer mobile tablets and smartphones. As a result, rugged mobile computing devices are inevitably influenced by consumer mobiles. The impact is not superficial but goes all the way to product design. For example, the smart phone influences mobile worker‘ expectations for functionality and ease of use. This in turn, leads to the improvement of rugged mobile devices, such as the adoption of touch-oriented screens instead of keypads, or the user-familiar Android platform. Technology evolution also plays an important role in driving change. Use of multi-core platforms to increase processing power, or the implementation of 4G/LTE and NFC technology are but two examples.
DeltaHandheld-Device 5''
CompactPCI Serial Video Capture Boards & Communications Controllers CompactPCI Serial Video Capture Boards & Communications Controllers 24.07.2017 #129
The CompactPCI serial standard is a logical progression of the highly successful PICMG 2.0 specification, bringing in multiple high-performance PCI Express connections. Our Partner AMP Ltd is adding to the growing ecosystem of cPCI-S cards with a range of high-performance video and communications 3U cPCI-S cards.
CompactPCI Serial Boards
Mobile Networking Video Recorder (NVR) NANO 1190 series constitutes a Ready-to-Use monitoring solution for Vehicles and Railways Mobile Networking Video Recorder (NVR) NANO 1190 series constitutes a Ready-to-Use monitoring solution for Vehicles and Railways 05.07.2017 #128
The mobile NVR NANO 1190 series constitutes an entry-level monitoring solution for vehicles and railway systems. It comprises an embedded video management system (VMS), 4-port PoE switch functions for easy configuration and the ability to live view, record and playback stored videos, becoming a competitive alternative for a 24/7 recording solution with optional GPS stamping function.
NANO 1190 series
Automotive Testing Expo 2017 Automotive Testing Expo 2017 12.06.2017 #127
Vom 20. bis 22. Juni 2017 trifft sich die internationale Automotive-Community wieder in Stuttgart, auf der Automotive Testing Expo, der weltweit führenden Messe für Tests, Validierung, Simulation, Modellierung und Qualitätstechnik im Automotive-Bereich.


Industrial Fanless Touch HMI Panel-PC Series for monitoring and controlling Automotive Production Lines Industrial Fanless Touch HMI Panel-PC Series for monitoring and controlling Automotive Production Lines 01.06.2017 #126
Equipped with long lasting industrial displays featuring brilliant resolution and ruggedness, the HMI (Human Machine Interface) Panel-PC series is engineered to meet the increasingly complex process of Industry 4.0. HMI applications require mechanical robustness and resistance to water, dust, moisture, a wide range of temperatures and, in some environments, secure communication. The Fanless Touch HMI Panel-PC series meets even the most demanding requirements in process visualization. By using open and standardized interfaces, the HMI allows efficient integration into any automation application.
Fanless Touch HMI Panel-PC
Fanless Box-PC B537 Digital Signage Player brings digital Experience in QSRs to Life Fanless Box-PC B537 Digital Signage Player brings digital Experience in QSRs to Life 22.05.2017 #125
The Fanless Box-PC B537 Digital Signage Player delivers an engaging digital approach to customers while revamping the management of Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs). Featuring 7th generation Intel® Core™ processor, the Digital Signage Player captivates consumers in a truly personalized and memorable experience, representing an all-round technology for QSRs to stay ahead with rapid innovation.
Fanless Box-PC B537
Vehicle Telematics comes in a small Package to create big Advancement in Fleet Management Vehicle Telematics comes in a small Package to create big Advancement in Fleet Management 19.05.2017 #124
The Vehicle Telematic Computer 1910 leverages untapped vehicle telematics to advance fleet management with an easy remedy. Featuring Intel Atom® processor E3815, the telematics gateway is geared for data acquisition, edge computing and network communication. Integrated with onboard systems, the VTC 1910 can extract vehicle telematics, perform preliminary analysis and stream and act on results, allowing for anomaly alerts and real-time adjustments to optimize planning and operations for public transport services, commercial fleets and more.
VTC 1910
Modular Vehicle System & Mobile Video Surveillance Modular Vehicle System & Mobile Video Surveillance 04.05.2017 #123
Wir haben unsere Automotive Box-PC Serie um die neuen und leistungsstarken MVS 5600 und MVS 5603 erweitert. Der MVS 5600 & der MVS 5603 sind modulare Fahrzeug Computersysteme, welche aus einzeln verbauten und miteinander verbundenen Modulen bestehen. Diese lassen sich schnell und einfach für den Service oder ein Upgrade separat, je nach Anwendung, auswechseln. Durch das Einsetzen von weiteren, optionalen Erweiterungskarten, ist die MVS-Baureihe für unterschiedliche Anwendungsbereiche flexibel einsetzbar. Ein kundenspezifischer Modul-Design-Service hilft Ihnen zusätzlich dabei, die Entwicklung von maßgeschneiderten Lösungen schnell und einfach zu realisieren.


MVS 5603 / 5600 series accomplishes Mobile Video Surveil- lance System for Public Transportation and first Responders MVS 5603 / 5600 series accomplishes Mobile Video Surveil- lance System for Public Transportation and first Responders 19.04.2017 #122
The Modular Vehicle & Video Surveillance System MVS 5603 & MVS 5600 accomplishes operational efficiency of public transportation and service. Based on the 6th generation Intel® Core™ processors, the MVS 5603 / 5600 series provides an integral solution incorporating high computing power, 8-port PoE switch functions for effortless configuration, wireless communication and GPS tracking with optional Dead Reckoning (DR) support to record in-vehicle activities, locations, high quality videos, driving patterns and diagnostics for a variety of vehicles achieving better measures for safety and management.
MVS 5603
MVS 5600
Modular Vehicle
Einladung zur embedded world 2017 Einladung zur embedded world 2017 01.03.2017 #120
Vom 14. bis 16. März 2017 trifft sich die internationale Embedded-Community wieder in Nürnberg. Bereits zum 15. Mal findet die weltweit größte Fachmesse rund um Embedded-Technologien statt. Fachbesucher und Teilnehmer dürfen sich auf drei spannende Messe- und Kongresstage freuen, an denen sie den wichtigsten Trends und Trendsettern hautnah und so kompakt wie nirgendwo anders begegnen können. Wir sind wieder mit dabei in Halle 1 Stand 1-420 und freuen uns, Ihnen unsere neuesten Produkte, Technologien und Dienstleistungen zu präsentieren.


ARM Cortex basierte Lösungen: Single Board / Box-PC / Panel-PC ARM Cortex basierte Lösungen: Single Board / Box-PC / Panel-PC 17.02.2017 #119
Ergänzend zur x86-Prozessorwelt bieten wir nun auch i.MX6 ARM Cortex CPU-basierte Lösungen an. Betriebssysteme wie Android 4.2.2 / 4.4.2 / 6.x, Linux / Linux Yocto und Ubuntu finden in der ARM Cortex CPU eine leistungsstarke und effiziente Plattform. Unsere ARM Cortex-basierten high-performance Produkte bieten eine Vielfalt an Anwendungs-möglichkeiten: Fahrzeug-Infotainment, Fleet Management, Transport & Logistik, Industrieanwen-dungen, HMI, IoT Gateway, Digital Signage und POS/KIOSK.


Vehicle Terminals fuel telematics adoption to elevate Transport Efficiency Vehicle Terminals fuel telematics adoption to elevate Transport Efficiency 08.02.2017 #118
The Vehicle Terminals fuel telematics adoption to achieve regulatory compliance and business targets. Powered by Intel® Atom™ x5-E3930 processor, VTC 1020, VTC 1020-PA and nROK 1020-A are equipped with vehicle data acquisition, GPS / wireless communication and data processing capabilities. By bridging the gap between on-duty vehicles and central dispatchers, these Vehicle Terminals can help fleet, bus and rail transport introduce telematics applications such as in-transit monitoring, usage-based insurance, preventive maintenance and more.
VTC 1020
VTC 1020-PA
nROK 1020-A
Vehicle Mount Computer 110/111 sharpens Operations and Safety in commodities Transport Vehicle Mount Computer 110/111 sharpens Operations and Safety in commodities Transport 08.02.2017 #117
The Vehicle Mount Computer 110/111 assists commodities transportation enhancing operational efficiency and fleet safety. Based on NXP™ i.MX 6DualLite processor, the VMC 110/111 works in Android operating system embodying navigation, fleet telematics and electronic logging by combining real-time GPS tracking, wireless communication and complete vehicle diagnostics to control and manage freight such as dry and liquid materials, ranging from waste to the food industry.
Automotive Panel-PC VMC 110/111
Industrie zum Anfassen! - Einladung zur Industriemesse i+e 2017 	Industrie zum Anfassen! - Einladung zur Industriemesse i+e 2017 30.01.2017 #116
Vom 01. – 03. Februar 2017 öffnet die Industriemesse i+e in Freiburg ihre Türen. An der größten Industriemesse im Südwesten erwarten Sie mehr als 360 Aussteller mit ihren neuesten Entwicklungen und aktuellen Trends der Branchen Elektrotechnik und Elektronik, Maschinenbau, Metallverarbeitung, Informationstechnik, Kunststoff und industrielle Dienstleistungen. Es werden rund 100 Fachvorträge angeboten, die Sie kostenfrei über den neuesten Stand vielfältiger Industriethemen informieren. Wir sind mit dabei in Halle 1 Stand D118 / E119 und freuen uns, Ihnen unsere neuesten Produkte, Technologien und Dienstleistungen zu präsentieren.


Vehicle Mount Computer smoothes the way to warehouse efficiency Vehicle Mount Computer smoothes the way to warehouse efficiency 14.12.2016 #115
The new 10,4" Vehicle Mount Computer VMC 3020 increases inventory control, visibility and accuracy to optimize warehouse management. Designed for use on forklifts, the VMC 3020 is geared with Intel® Atom™ x5-E3930 processor, real-time communications, easy function integration, high availability and reliability for fast-paced, high-intensity warehouse environments. By streamlining live dispatch, order processing, driver and asset management, the Vehicle Mount Computer can help manage the dynamics of complex workflows in warehouses, distribution, fulfillment centers and ports and harbors.
10,4" Automotive Panel-PC VMC 3020
New Industrial Panel PCs unify machine design with flexible Touchscreen Options New Industrial Panel PCs unify machine design with flexible Touchscreen Options 14.10.2016 #114
The industrial panel PCs has been revamped with its 17" Factory Automation Heavy Industrial Panel-PC series to brace the advent of precision manufacturing. Targeted at advanced machine control, the fanless Panel-PC series delivers computing and graphics improvements with Intel® Core™ processor and adds options of touch technologies and I/O interfaces. With overall performance boosts and flexible configurations, it helps machine builders diverse machine control and human machine interface (HMI) offerings while keeping the appearance design unified.
17" Factory Automation Heavy Industrial Panel-PC series
Embracing retail IoT to unveil Shoppers' interests Embracing retail IoT to unveil Shoppers' interests 26.08.2016 #113
As innovative IoT applications spring up around the retail industry, the edge server Fanless Box-PC B426 DSP gives brick-and-mortar retailers a firm grasp of customers' interests. Featuring GPU-ac- celerated system responsiveness, it has the competence of an edge server to invigorate retailers through smart retail insights. Fanless Box-PC B426 DSP can identify traffic flows, measure customer engagement and find behavioral patterns, offering retailers valuable information to optimize shelf assortment, craft marketing strategies and ultimately increase in-store sales.
Fanless Box-PC B425 DSP
WiFi Access Point 310 builds the road to Industry 4.0 with a trustworthy industrial Wi-Fi Mesh Network WiFi Access Point 310 builds the road to Industry 4.0 with a trustworthy industrial Wi-Fi Mesh Network 03.08.2016 #112
The industrial Wi-Fi mesh point WiFi Acces Point 310 creates with ease an ad hoc Wi-Fi network in factories, preparing manufacturers for Industry 4.0. To spur the convergence of operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT), the WiFi Acces Point 310 features EZ mesh networking, enhanced connectivity, safety verification and remote monitoring functions. Combining its industrial-grade reliability, it builds an industrial Wi-Fi network with stability, flexibility, security and manageability to permit rapid adaptation to dynamic connection needs.
WiFi Access Point 310
Equipping of factories with speedy budget Industrial Wi-Fi for Video Surveillance Equipping of factories with speedy budget Industrial Wi-Fi for Video Surveillance 03.08.2016 #111
The industrial Wi-Fi AP Outdoor Acces Point 504D catalyzes security surveillance and ubiquitous data collection by providing fast Wi-Fi connection for factories. Featuring high-speed high-power Wi-Fi connection, the rugged Outdoor Acces Point 504D is geared to build strong data networks that can stretch for kilometers. By steadily transmitting live images and field data from factories to and from a public or private cloud, it allows users to leverage advanced data analytics to enhance factory security and to conduct persistent operational improvements and efficiency optimization envisioned by the industrial internet of things (IIoT).
Outdoor Access Point 504D
Factory Automation Heavy Industrial Panel-PCs renew HMI controls with enhanced graphics, interoperability & ruggedness Factory Automation Heavy Industrial Panel-PCs renew HMI controls with enhanced graphics, interoperability & ruggedness 02.08.2016 #110
The next generation Factory Automation Heavy Industrial Panel-PC renew HMI controls with enhanced graphics, interoperability and ruggedness. Leveraging quad-core CPU upgrade, fieldbus and EtherCAT support, the Panel-PC series improves operational efficiency with accurate, speedy visual processing and integration flexibility. Built to meet HMI safety requirements for petrochemical and steel industries, the Panel-PC series is compatible with UL 61010-1 and UL 61010-2-201 standards.
Factory Automation Heavy Industrial Panel-PC
Factory Automation Box-PC 300 Serie: IoT-Controller Lösung Factory Automation Box-PC 300 Serie: IoT-Controller Lösung 08.06.2016 #109
Cyber-Physical Systeme (CPS) für intelligente und hoch dynamische Fertigungs- prozesse - eine überaus smarte Lösung für die immer komplexer werdenden Anforderungen im Bereich der Factory Automation ist die neue Box-PC 300 Serie! Die Intel® Core™ i3-6100TE-, i5-6500TE- oder i7-6700TE-Prozessoren (früherer Codename Skylake-S) schaffen eine hohe Interoperabilität und unterstützen die Realisierung einer einheitlichen Infrastruktur, eines einheitlichen Kommunikationsnetzes sowie einheitlicher Programmierinstrumente für Firmenstandorte, Fabrikationswerken, etc. – und dies äußerst schnell und effektiv.


Factory Automation Controllers fully integrate automated manufacturing processes Factory Automation Controllers fully integrate automated manufacturing processes 23.05.2016 #108
Based on PC architecture, the factory automation controller Factory Automation Box-PC 200 series features scalable computing performance with a choice of Intel® Celeron™ processor J1900 and Intel® Atom™ E3800 processors. The Factory Automation Box-PC 200 series supports real-time control and SoftPLC/SoftMotion functions for use in a wide variety of processes including filling, dispensing, labeling, packing and many more. If configured with cameras and scanners, it can be applied to defect inspection for enhanced quality control or to documentation of production records by reading barcodes and product serial numbers.
Factory Automation Box-PC 200 series
DELTA COMPONENTS Telematics Gateway keeps Off-road Operation on the right Track DELTA COMPONENTS Telematics Gateway keeps Off-road Operation on the right Track 14.04.2016 #107
The FMS 1000 DELTA COMPONENTS telematics gateway increases driver safety, vehicle security and operation efficiency, keeping track of heavy machinery for oil and gas, logging, construction and mining industries. Packed with data acquisition and data communication features, the rugged FMS 1000 helps fleet managers monitor mobile workforce and track status and location of heavy machinery. By minimizing occupational hazards, optimizing predictive maintenance and protecting machinery from theft, FMS 1000 ensures off-road operation on the right track.
FMS 1000 Telematics Gateway
MVS 5200 series turns Mobile Video Surveillance & Video Analytics into operational Intelligence for Public Transport MVS 5200 series turns Mobile Video Surveillance & Video Analytics into operational Intelligence for Public Transport 14.04.2016 #106
The Mobile Video Surveillance & Video Analytics MVS 5200 series turns video images into operational intelligence, watching over public safety and transport operation. Based on Intel® Core™ processors, the MVS 5200 series features the caliber of microservers, mobile NVRs and data loggers to bring real-time intelligence on board of public transport. With abilities to see, sense and think, the MVS 5200 series can help detect suspicious objects, fight crimes and prevent fare evasion, effecting safety and efficiency improvements for buses, metro transit systems, rails and more.
Mobile Video Surveillance + Video Analytics
Neue Generation der DeltaVarioMon Monitore 10,1 Neue Generation der DeltaVarioMon Monitore 10,1" & 15,6" 04.04.2016 #105
Verstärkung bei den DeltaVarioMon Monitoren! Wir haben die Serie um die 10,1" und 15,6" Ausführungen mit vielen neuen Funktionen erweitert: Ausgestattet mit neuen Schnittstellen zur Übertragung von Bildinformationen wie Display-Port 1.1, DVI-I und VGA/CRT (via DVI-I), verfügen diese zusätzlich über Full HD von 1.920 x 1.200 Pixel WUXGA (10,1") und 1.920 x 1.080 Pixel (15,6").


Einladung zur embedded world 2016 Einladung zur embedded world 2016 11.02.2016 #104
Vom 23. - 25. Februar 2016 öffnet die embeddedworld in Nürnberg erneut ihre Türen. Entdecken Sie die Neuheiten der Embedded-Branche und treffen Sie Experten: Rund 900 Aussteller und 1600 Referenten aus 42 Ländern präsentieren über 25.000 Fachbesuchern das gesamte Spektrum - von Bauelementen, Modulen und Komplettsystemen über Betriebssysteme, Hard- und Software bis zu Dienstleistungen. Wir sind wieder mit dabei in Halle 1 Stand 1-420.


Neue Vehicle Telematic Computer VTC 6210 + VTC 7220-R Neue Vehicle Telematic Computer VTC 6210 + VTC 7220-R 26.01.2016 #103
Die heutige Generation von Bahnsystemen, wie Hochgeschwindig- keitszüge, U- und S-Bahnen etc., unterliegt hocheffizient digitali- sierten, computergesteuerten Kontrollmechanismen. Alle relevanten Daten werden in Echtzeitdarstellung an Kontrollzentren und Fahrgast- informationssysteme weitergeleitet. Unsere Railway/Train Box-PC verfügen über die dem Industriestandard entsprechende Zuverläs- sigkeit und zeichnen sich durch Antischock-Design, Metallstaubschutz, stabile und effiziente Stromversorgung und erweiterte Produktlebens- dauer aus.


DELTA COMPONENTS adds Portfolios with Industrial Touch Monitors featuring Widescreen and Multi-touch DELTA COMPONENTS adds Portfolios with Industrial Touch Monitors featuring Widescreen and Multi-touch 19.01.2016 #102
Available in 15.6, 18.5 and 21.5 inches, our Partner NEXCOM's industrial touch monitors feature widescreen and 10-point multi-touch for better operational awareness. The Factory Automation Touch Monitor IP66 series provides informative and clearer HD content, making data feeds easier to read and understand. The 10-point multitouch projected capacitive touchscreen (P-Cap) feature lowers risks of operating errors, accidental touches and machine starts.
Factory Automation Touch Monitors IP66
Fanless Box-PC 50C digs for unexplored Data Value in IoT Fanless Box-PC 50C digs for unexplored Data Value in IoT 28.12.2015 #101
Our partner NEXCOM's IoT gateway Fanless Box-PC 50C aids enterprises in the exploration of the dynamics of business operations. The compact Fanless Box-PC 50C features versatile functions for real-time control, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and seamless cloud application integration. Along with the pre-tested compatibility to work with Microsoft Azure IoT Suite, the Fanless Box-PC 50C can bring insightful eyes to modern practices of including asset management, predictive maintenance and cloud-based monitoring.
Fanless Box-PC 50C
Rugged Fanless Box-PC B325 Digital Signage Player gears up for Semi-Outdoor Kiosks / Signages Rugged Fanless Box-PC B325 Digital Signage Player gears up for Semi-Outdoor Kiosks / Signages 15.12.2015 #100
Our partner NEXCOM's rugged digital signage player, the Fanless Box-PC B325 DSP, gears up for semi-outdoor signages and kiosks. Besides 4K multimedia display, the Fanless Box-PC B325 DSP is designed with wide temperature durability. Rich I/O interfaces further extend the usage to shelf management or self-service kiosks. Also, the slim Fanless Box-PC B325 DSP fits space-critical or areas like shelves, counters and front desks.
Rugged Digital Signage Player
Next Generation Panel PCs Deliver Easy and Seamless Kiosk Upgrades Next Generation Panel PCs Deliver Easy and Seamless Kiosk Upgrades 24.11.2015 #99
Our partner NEXCOM's next generation Open Frame Panel PCs bring effortless and seamless kiosk upgrades. Featuring enhanced Intel® Atom™ processor, same size cutout, high-speed I/O ports, and over 50,000-hour display longevity, the Open Frame Panel PC series brings dashing performance and reliable kiosk operations, which allow custom applications including price checkers, automatic check-in, ticket vending machines, healthcare kiosks, ATMs, and more.
15" + 19" Open Frame Panel-PC
High-Performance Monitore High-Performance Monitore 20.11.2015 #98
Es gibt Neuigkeiten im Bereich der IP65-, Wide Screen-, Digital Signage-, Open Frame- und Einbaumonitore, welche wir Ihnen natürlich gerne vorstellen möchten. Nachfolgend finden Sie einen Auszug aus den verschiedenen Produktgruppen. Werfen Sie einen Blick darauf - es lohnt sich. Für detaillierte Informationen stehen Ihnen unsere Spezialisten im Vertrieb gerne zur Verfügung.


Einladung zur eCarTec 2015 Einladung zur eCarTec 2015 07.10.2015 #96
Vom 20. - 22. Oktober 2015 öffnet die eCarTec München zum 7. Mal ihre Türen. Als internationale Messe für Elektromobilität präsentieren 463 Austeller die neusten Innovationen und Anwendungen in den Bereichen Elektrofahrzeuge, Speichertechnologien, Antriebs- und Motorentechnik. Zusätzlich beschäftigt sich die eCarTec auch mit den Themen Energie, Infrastruktur und Finanzierung. Sie finden uns in Halle A5 Stand 519.


Railway Computer Puts Reliable Recording and Communications on Track Railway Computer Puts Reliable Recording and Communications on Track 16.09.2015 #95
Our partner NEXCOM‘s fanless railway computer, VTC 6210-R series, is made for reliable event recording and communications. Using quad-core Intel® Atom™ processor E3845, the versatile railway computer conducts onboard missions such as rail data collection gateways and graphics-intensive surveillance recorders. Rich, lockable I/O ports and dual SIM connectivity allows fast deployment, real-time data collection, and wireless transmission. To maintain the integrity of surveillance video, event records, and operation data, the VTC 6210-R series offers high level protection against surge, vibration, extreme temperatures, and electromagnetic interference with isolation and EN50155 certification.
VTC 6210-R Fanless Railway Computer
Robust Multipurpose Railway Computers Bolster Video Analytics and Passenger Infotainment Robust Multipurpose Railway Computers Bolster Video Analytics and Passenger Infotainment 01.09.2015 #94
Our partner NEXCOM's robust railway computers, VTC 7220-R series, are compact yet powerful in enhancing passenger safety and amusement. The Intel® Core™ i7-4650U processor, maximum 4TB storage support, plus EN 50155 certification allow the computers reliably to stream and store 24/7 surveillance footage or on-demand entertainment in HD. Rich I/O interfaces simplify onboard system integrations with video analytics so that transportation authorities can identify suspicious incidents or malfunctioning systems in time, keeping operations safe and sound.
VTC7220-R Multipurpose Railway Computer Series
Automotive Panel-PC Serie Automotive Panel-PC Serie 24.07.2015 #93
Mit unseren robusten All-In-One Fahrzeugcomputern in verschiedenen Displaygrößen erhalten Sie Komplettlösungen, bestehend aus einem LCD-Panel, einer Touchscreen Oberfläche sowie einem integrierten Rechner. Durch eine Vielzahl an I/O Anschlüssen eignen sich diese Komplettsysteme perfekt für Anwendungsbereiche im Transport- und Lagerwesen (z.B. Lastkraftwagen, Staplern, Gabelstaplern, Testfahr- zeugen etc.), Applikationen im Bereich Warenumschlag sowie für Förderapplikationen (Minenfahrzeugen, Baumaschinen etc.). Vielfältige Montagemöglichkeiten erlauben hierbei eine einfache Installation in Fahrzeugen verschiedenster Art.


Bringing 4K and HEVC to Security Surveillance with Smooth Recording and Efficient Storage Bringing 4K and HEVC to Security Surveillance with Smooth Recording and Efficient Storage 26.06.2015 #92
Our partner NEXCOM's latest Slim Surveillance Box-PC 1410 brings 4K imaging to security surveillance with smooth recording and efficient storage. Powered by latest Intel® Pentium™ Processor N3700 (formerly codenamed Braswell), the Slim Surveillance Box-PC 1410 features 4K footage, smooth playback, latest HEVC decoding technology (also known as H.265), and up to 6TB surveillancegrade storage. Retailers and SMB owners can watch silky and detailed video footage while having extended recording duration with economical price.
Slim Surveillance Box-PC 1410
The Latest 4K OPS Media Player Increases Engagement at Airports, Enterprises and Schools The Latest 4K OPS Media Player Increases Engagement at Airports, Enterprises and Schools 24.06.2015 #91
The latest OPS media player from our partner Nexcom, the OPS Box DS M335 increases deeper engagement for viewers at airports, enterprises, and schools. Powered by Intel® Celeron™ Processor N3150 (formerly codenamed Braswell), the OPS Box DS M335 delivers informative and eye-catching 4K videos while its remote manageability simplifies deployment, maintenance, and upgrade errands. Airports, schools, and enterprises can better inform targeted audience with greater reach of context.
OPS Box DS M335
Increase Transportation Security with Video-based Intelligence Increase Transportation Security with Video-based Intelligence 15.06.2015 #90
Commonly used in the transport sector, computer vision has been used to produce video evidence or render visual assistance on buses, commercial fleets and patrol vehicles. For concerns over transporta- tion security, computer vision can have more active uses to allow precautionary measures to be imposed or immediate response taken on the spot. To this end, computer vision is increasingly inseparable from video analysis. In this article we show how the In-vehicle Computers VTC 7230 and 7240 leverage the 5th generation Intel® Core™ processors to generate videobased security intelligence. The article looks at how the VTCs provide a flexible approach to not only delivering video analysis but also providing consistent performance regardless of evolving analysis techniques. The article also gives consideration to the size and power design of the VTCs, and illustrates how these design enhancements give users mobility to adapt to highly dynamic mobile environments.
VTC 7230 / 7240
Connected Car Brings Intelligence to Transportation Connected Car Brings Intelligence to Transportation 16.04.2015 #89
As urban population grows at an exponential rate, traffic jams are becoming more hideous and driving more and more tedious. Creating a better driving experience can change people™s perception of driving and make it more sustainable. Delivering this experience though places new demands on head units, requiring them to make driving safer and more enjoyable, as well as capable of supporting connection to intelligent transportation systems (ITS). In this article, we show how these challenges can be met with the an all-in-one in-vehicle computer based on Intel® Atom™ processor E3825. We explain how the DeltaCar-PC 1100 supports smart mobility under the framework of ITS; we demonstrate how the DeltaCar-PC 1100 enables the transformation of a connected car and brings out the value of big data analytics; and we elaborate on how the DeltaCar-PC 1100 enables new in-vehicle features and services.
DeltaCar-PC 1100
IP-Kameras + Automotive Panel-PC + Doppel DIN-Schacht PC IP-Kameras + Automotive Panel-PC + Doppel DIN-Schacht PC 14.04.2015 #88
IP-Kameras, Automotive Panel-PC und der neue Doppel DIN-Schacht PC 1100 - das sind die Themen unseres heutigen Newsletters...


16. Braunschweiger Symposium AAET 2015 16. Braunschweiger Symposium AAET 2015 14.04.2015 #87
Beim diesjährigen Symposium "Automatisierungs-, Assistenzsysteme und eingebettete Systeme für Transportmittel" konnten wir aufgrund einer Terminüberschneidung mit einer anderen Messe leider nicht als Aussteller teilnehmen. Deshalb stellen wir uns heute auf diesem Weg bei Ihnen vor. In Anwendungsfeldern wie
• Assistenz- und Automatisierungssysteme
• Kooperativer Verkehr Car2XSensorik / Umfelderkennung
• Entwicklung / Erprobung / Test / Validierung
• Hochautomatisiertes Fahren
ist professionelles und zuverlässiges Equipment unerlässlich. DELTA COMPONENTS ist seit 22 Jahren erfolgreich im Bereich Embedded Computer und -Anzeigegeräte für Automotives Computing und -Engineering tätig.


Fanless Box-PC 2400 Series Propels Smart Cities Forward Fanless Box-PC 2400 Series Propels Smart Cities Forward 07.04.2015 #86
We released Nexcoms new Fanless Box-PC 2400 series built to propel smart cities forward with high flexibility, environmental durability, and remote manageability. Powered by Intel® Atom™ E3800 product family, the Fanless Box-PC 2400 series delivers flexible choices of computing power, graphics capabilities, and expansions over various smart city applications such as vending kiosks, city surveillance, automatic toll collection services and electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. Coupled with a free management tool, Xcare™ 3.0, the Fanless Box-PC 2400 series delivers high manageability. Its fanless and rugged designs extend series expand duration of operation in outdoor environments.
Fanless Box-PC 2400 Series
Vehicle Mount Computer Harvests Data to Increase Field Yields Vehicle Mount Computer Harvests Data to Increase Field Yields 06.02.2015 #85
The vehicle mount computer VMC 4011 of our partner NEXCOM is aimed at providing field data for fieldworkers and site managers to increasing productivity. Targeted at mobile data terminals on heavy machines, the VMC 4011 is packed with data gathering, processing, display, and transfer capabilities. The VMC 4011 can keep field operations and heavy machines under tight control and close watch for industries including agriculture and forestry, mining, construction, and ports and harbors.
VMC 4011
Einladung zur embedded world 2015 Einladung zur embedded world 2015 05.02.2015 #84
Vom 24. – 26. Februar 2015 öffnet die embeddedworld in Nürnberg erneut ihre Türen. An dem weltweit größten Branchentreff der internationalen Embedded-Community erwarten Sie mehr als 850 Aussteller aus 35 Ländern mit ihren neuesten Entwicklungen und aktuellen Trends im Bereich Hardware, Software und Dienstleistungen. Wir sind wieder mit dabei in Halle 1 Stand 1-410.


Slim T10 COM Express ICES 501X Delivers Solid Performance in Mission-critical Operations Slim T10 COM Express ICES 501X Delivers Solid Performance in Mission-critical Operations 02.02.2015 #83
Our partner NEXCOM's type 10 mini COM Express Module 501X brings the balance of size and ruggedness to mission-critical, embedded, and industrial applications. Powered by Intel® Atom™ processor E3800 product family, the COM Express Module 501X delivers up to quad-core processing power with less than 10W TDP. The power efficiency saves additional space for cooling. Also, with onboard DDR3L and eMMC memory support, the palm-sized (84mm by 55mm) COM Express Module 501X makes a slim fit for handheld HMIs, space-limited transportation, and commercial drones.
COM Express
Module 501X
In-Vehicle Computers Fuse Telematics with IoT for Smart and Safe Journey In-Vehicle Computers Fuse Telematics with IoT for Smart and Safe Journey 28.01.2015 #82
Our partner NEXCOM introduces in-vehicle computers VTC 7230 and VTC 7240 to foster the growth of connected vehicles in the IoT (Internet of Things), which aims to offer safer and more efficient driving experience. Featuring 5th generation Intel® Core™ processors, the in-vehicle computers boast numerous telematics features to support fleet management, security features to protect vehicles in the IoT, and performance to drive ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and stream multiple video surveillance feeds.
VTC 7230/7240
Fanless In-vehicle PoE Switches Simplify Wiring And Power Management Fanless In-vehicle PoE Switches Simplify Wiring And Power Management 16.01.2015 #81
Our partner NEXCOM has released two fanless in-vehicle PoE switches to simplify the installation of in-vehicle technology to address the growing need for onboard video surveillance and internet connectivity. The fanless VES30-8S and VES30-4S feature 802.3af PoE ports and smart power management. The in-vehicle PoE switches can streamline the wiring of powered devices and provide protection against transient power fluctuation and other challenges in vehicular environments, keeping including IP cameras, Wi-Fi access points, and VoIP phones in good shape.
PoE Switches
Robust and Economical Vehicle Mount Computer Simplifies Fleet Operations Robust and Economical Vehicle Mount Computer Simplifies Fleet Operations 13.01.2015 #80
The durable yet economical vehicle mount computer, VMC 100 is built to maximize fleet efficiency and safety. VMC 100 features ARM® Cortex™-A8 processor and an open embedded system of Android, Linux, or Windows Embedded Compact 7, delivering a flexible platform for third party fleet management software. The robust VMC 100 not only delivers great user experience but also helps drivers achieve simplified operational tasks and stay focused on the road.
VMC 100
Fanless Box-PC 3720 Series Industrial IoT Gateways & Controllers Build up Smart Manufacturing Fanless Box-PC 3720 Series Industrial IoT Gateways & Controllers Build up Smart Manufacturing 12.01.2015 #79
Our partner NEXCOM has released the Fanless Box-PC 3720 series industrial IoT gateways and controllers for smart manufacturing. Supporting 5th generation Intel® Core™ processors, the Fanless Box-PC 3720 series provides enhanced computing and graphics capabilities. Adding the support for cross-protocol communication capability, the Fanless Box-PC 3720 series connects factories, enabling intensive data analysis of a data concentrator and information visualization required for big supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) applications.
Box-PC 3720
Rugged Vehicle Mount Computer VMC 1100 Maximizes Mobile Workforce Efficiency Rugged Vehicle Mount Computer VMC 1100 Maximizes Mobile Workforce Efficiency 11.12.2014 #78
Our partner NEXCOM has released a 7-inch vehicle mount computer VMC 1100 to increase operational efficiency and regulatory compliance for vehicle fleets. Based on Intel® Atom™ processor E3825, the VMC 1100 has built up capabilities of information visualization, data logging, vehicle tracking and monitoring, and data communication. By consolidating functions of portable navigation devices (PND), electronics logging devices (ELD), and fleet telematics systems (FTS) onto one reliable hardware platform, the VMC 1100 enables mobile workforces including truck fleets, police patrols, and fire and emergency medical service (EMS) squads to excel at work.
Vehicle Mount
Computer 1100
The Mini ITX CPU Board 617 Makes Intelligence Accessible and Pushes Innovation Forwards The Mini ITX CPU Board 617 Makes Intelligence Accessible and Pushes Innovation Forwards 26.11.2014 #77
Our partner NEXCOM released the Mini-ITX industrial motherboard 617 to push innovation forwards by making intelligence more accessible. Based on Intel® Celeron® processor J1900, the Mini ITX CPU Board 617 features an integrated Intel® HD Graphics, enabling faster media conversions and video transcoding than the previous generation of Intel® Atom™ processors. Combined with its competent computing, rich I/O sets, and expansion flexibility, the Mini ITX CPU Board 617 brings intelligence to where it lacks and gives pushes to industrial applications including X-ray inspection, motion control, telemedicine kiosks, and self-service information stands.
Mini ITX
CPU Board 617
Compact Fanless Box-PC 301 Shows Flexibility towards Function Consolidation Compact Fanless Box-PC 301 Shows Flexibility towards Function Consolidation 05.11.2014 #76
Our partner NEXCOM has released the Fanless Box-PC 301 to help build an automation and control network with a streamlined architecture. Based on Intel® Atom™ processor E3845, the Fanless Box-PC 301 has packed quad-core computing power and flexible function expandability onto a fanless compact hardware platform with a user-friendly design feature of front access to all connectors. The Fanless Box-PC 301 can consolidate functions of PC based controllers, human machine interfaces (HMI), and industrial gateways, being a key enabler of industrial Internet of Things (IoT).
Fanless Box-PC 301
Produktneuheiten: IP-Kameras & Railway-Anwendungen Produktneuheiten: IP-Kameras & Railway-Anwendungen 03.11.2014 #75
Railway Monitore, Railway Box-PC und IP-Kameras - das sind die Themen unseres heutigen Newsletters...


T6 COM Express Module 671 Delivers Performance with Reduced Size and Power Consumption T6 COM Express Module 671 Delivers Performance with Reduced Size and Power Consumption 20.10.2014 #74
Our partner NEXCOM has released the type 6 COM Express compact module 671 to unlock the potential of Internet of Things (IoT) across industries. Featuring 4th generation Intel® Core™ i7 / i5 / i3 and Celeron® processors (U Series), the COM Express Module 671 has packed triple independent display support, 2D / 3D imaging and video processing capabilities and network connectivity on to a 95 x 95mm footprint while consuming low power.The COM Express Module 671 is geared toward compute and graphics-intensive devices with size, weight and power (SWaP) constraints.
COM Express Module 671
IEC 60601-1 Certified Fanless Medical Computer Facilitates Co-diagnostics in Operation Rooms IEC 60601-1 Certified Fanless Medical Computer Facilitates Co-diagnostics in Operation Rooms 14.10.2014 #73
Our partner NEXCOM has released the IEC 60601-1:2006 certified fanless medical computer Fanless Box-PC 3640M series to make co-diagnostics possible during surgical procedures. Intended for use in operating rooms (OR), the medical computer Fanless Box-PC 3640M series has acquired the IEC 60601-1:2006 certification and adopts a fanless design. The Fanless Box-PC 3640M series delivers high reliability and availability required of integrated surgical systems and helps maintain required standards of cleanliness in ORs.
Fanless Box-PC 3640M Series
Fanless Box-PC 3720 Bridges Business Decisions and Factory Operations with Industrial IoT Fanless Box-PC 3720 Bridges Business Decisions and Factory Operations with Industrial IoT 01.10.2014 #72
Our partner NEXCOM has released the Fanless Box-PC 3720 Series to build industrial IoT for data-driven decision making. Featuring 4th generation Intel® Core™ i7-4650U processor, the Fanless Box-PC 3720 series supports communication across automation protocols, data-intensive analysis and effective information delivery. Targeted at big SCADA applications, the Fanless Box-PC 3720 series also provides high integration capability to connect multiple factories.
Fanless Box-PC 3720 Series
The Core Module 1-86DX2 Supports Embedded Applications with Exceptionally High Integration and Power Efficiency The Core Module 1-86DX2 Supports Embedded Applications with Exceptionally High Integration and Power Efficiency 24.09.2014 #71
The Core Module 1-86DX2 PC/104 Single Board is using DMP‘s Vortex 86DX2 Single Chip Solution with Full ISA Support to save power, space and cost. Our partner ADLINK Technology, a leading provider of embedded products, released a new PC/104 form factor single board computer offering, the Core Module 1-86DX2, featuring an extensive I/O feature set and full ISA bus support. The Core Module 1-86DX2 is ideal for control applications that require power efficiency, small form factor, longevity and industrial grade ruggedness.
Core Module 1-86DX2 PC/104 Single Board
InnoTrans 2014 InnoTrans 2014 09.09.2014 #70
Besuchen Sie uns vom 23. bis 26. September 2014 auf der InnoTrans in Berlin, der internationalen Fachmesse für Verkehrstechnik. Sie finden uns am gemeinsamen Stand mit unserem Partner NEXCOM in Halle 4.1. am Stand Nr. 203.


Neuer DeltaVarioMon 5 Neuer DeltaVarioMon 5" 22.07.2014 #69
DELTA COMPONENTS hat mit dem DeltaVarioMon 5" einen LCD-TFT Monitor für automotive Anwendungen im Aufbaugehäuse entwickelt. Mit einem optional erhältlichen Saugnapf- halter ist eine leichte Montage an der Windschutzscheibe möglich. Bei diesem multi-funktionalen Gerät handelt es sich um eine Anzeige-, Bedien- und Kom- munikationseinheit mit integrierter Freisprecheinrichtung und GPS-Empfänger für professionelle Fahrzeuganwendungen, wie z.B. Automotive Testing auf "Proving Grounds".


Server-grade In-vehicle Computer Puts Vehicles under Close Surveillance Server-grade In-vehicle Computer Puts Vehicles under Close Surveillance 03.07.2014 #68
Our partner NEXCOM has released the in-vehicle computer VTC 7200 series to keep a vehicle under a close watch. Featuring server-grade functionality, the VTC 7200 series have broad applications including real-time remote video streaming, license-plate recognition, fleet telematics and in-vehicle infotainment. The VTC 7200 series is ideal for use on public transits, law enforcement and handling and transportation of dangerous and valuable items.
VTC 7200 Series In-Vehicle Computer
Industry 4.0-compliant Smart Panel PC based on the Latest Intel® Atom™ Processor E3800 Family Industry 4.0-compliant Smart Panel PC based on the Latest Intel® Atom™ Processor E3800 Family 03.07.2014 #67
Our partner NEXCOM has upgraded the applied Panel PC series with Intel® Atom™processor E3800 product family to realize the smart factory envisioned by the Industry 4.0. The Fanless Touch Panel PC series features powerful graphics capability, larger system memory, support for fieldbus networking and robust fanless design. The Fanless Touch Panel PC can provide system control, process visualization, fieldbus connectivity and wireless networking required for smart factory operation.
Fanless Touch Panel PC Series
Build Factory-of-Things with NEXCOM Multi-Touch Industrial Fieldbus Panel-PC for Smart Factory Build Factory-of-Things with NEXCOM Multi-Touch Industrial Fieldbus Panel-PC for Smart Factory 27.06.2014 #66
Our partner NEXCOM has released two industrial fieldbus Panel-PC, the 15.6" and 21.5" Factory Automation Heavy Industrial Panel-PC, to manage the factory floor operation. The Industrial Fieldbus Panel-PC are based on Intel® Atom™ processor D2550 and have built-in fieldbus technology and a 15.6" / 21.5" wide screen multi-touch monitor. The 15.6" and 21.5" Factory Automation Heavy Industrial Panel-PC can pull raw data from and give command to field devices to optimize smart factory operation. The 15.6" and 21.5" Factory Automation Heavy Industrial Panel-PC are certified with UL60950, EN61000-6-2 and EN61000-6-4 standards and can stand up to the harshness in the heavy industrial environment.
Multi-Touch Industrial Fieldbus Panel-PC
AMP's new HDAV2000KLV - HD H.264 Codec with STANAG 4609 KLV metadata support AMP's new HDAV2000KLV - HD H.264 Codec with STANAG 4609 KLV metadata support 26.06.2014 #65
The HDAV2000KLV is a High Definition video codec with support for extraction of STANAG 4609 KLV Metadata from HD-SDI sources. The HDAV2000KLV is built on established AMP ultra low latency, video and audio encoding technology. The HDAV2000KLV encodes video to the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (Part 10) standard and supports extraction of STANAG 4609 KLV metadata from the HD-SDI input as per MISB 0605.3. The HDAV2000KLV also features 4 SD composite video inputs and a high performance audio controller with stereo input and outputs that allows audio to be captured from HD-SDI and Line inputs and synchronised with the captured video.
Automotive Testing Expo 2014 Automotive Testing Expo 2014 12.06.2014 #64
Besuchen Sie uns vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2014 auf der Automotive Testing Expo in Stuttgart, der weltweit führenden Messe für Tests, Validierung, Simulation, Modellierung und Qualitätstechnik im Automotivbereich.


One In-vehicle Computer for Telematics, Infotainment and Surveillance One In-vehicle Computer for Telematics, Infotainment and Surveillance 08.05.2014 #63
Our partner NEXCOM has released the in-vehicle computer VTC 6210 to keep drivers and passengers informed, entertained, and safe. The VTC 6210 based on quad-core Intel® Atom™ E3845 processor is well-packed with on-board diagnostics interfaces, flexible wireless expansion, and user-defined action features to bring fleet telematics, passenger infotainment, and in-vehicle surveillance on board of commuter shuttles, long distance coaches, and vehicle fleets.
Automotive Box-PC VTC 6210
Mini IR Megapixel IP Camera Shrinks with SR LED, Making Surveillance Clearer & Low-key Mini IR Megapixel IP Camera Shrinks with SR LED, Making Surveillance Clearer & Low-key 06.05.2014 #62
The NCr-312 of our partner NEXCOM is a mini bullet 3-megapixel IP camera which can see in the dark. Featuring SR LEDs, NCr-312 provides illumination to ensure image quality while remaining mini in size to make city and building surveillance less invasive. Intended for outdoor use, the NCr-312 can help keep a close watch on office buildings, tourist attractions, warehouses, and campuses. The mini bullet 3-megapixel IP camera NCr-312 supports H.264 / MJPEG video compression and region of interest functions. The NCr-312 can generate full HD 1080 P images at 30 fps with reduced file sizes.
IP Camera NCr-312
Megapixel IP Camera Reveals True Colors against Ultra-low Light Megapixel IP Camera Reveals True Colors against Ultra-low Light 06.05.2014 #61
To ensure image quality in various lighting conditions, NCb-221 features Sony 1/2” Exmore image sensor and TI 3D DNR (digital noise reduction) technology. This megapixel IP camera is so sensitive to light that it can enhance image colors yet suppress noise and motion blurs resulting from imaging enhancement. As a result, NCb-221 can capture images in, for instance, dimly-lit museums or restaurants with ambient lighting. As to high contrast in brightness, NCb-221 provides digital wide dynamic range (DWDR) function to make subjects located in both dark and bright areas clearly visible.
IP Camera NCb-221
Neue Generation Railway Box-PC Neue Generation Railway Box-PC 11.04.2014 #60
Unsere Railway Box PC Systeme zeichnen sich durch Langlebigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und hohe Leistungsfähigkeit aus. Dank des Anti-Schock-Designs und der Schutzklasse IP65 lassen sich diese Geräte gut in die Betriebsumgebung von Bahnsystemen integrieren. Durch die Antennenanschlüsse wird eine Verbindung über WWAN, WLAN, WiFi oder GPS ermöglicht, was eine drahtlose Kommunikation sicherstellt.


Fieldbus Concentrator Fanless Box-PC 300 Unleashes the Power of Big Data to Improve Factory Efficiency Fieldbus Concentrator Fanless Box-PC 300 Unleashes the Power of Big Data to Improve Factory Efficiency 26.03.2014 #59
Our partner NEXCOM has released the fieldbus concentrator Fanless Box-PC 300 to help build a connected factory to harness the power of big data. The Fanless Box-PC 300 features Intel® Core™ i5-4402E processor and provides high expandability to support multiple fieldbus technologies and internet connectivity. Designed to fit in a 2U rackmount chassis, the Fanless Box-PC 300 is a high computing data server and communication gateway which provides cross–fieldbus communication, makes data-based decisions, and pushes factories down the path towards lean manufacturing.
Fanless Box-PC 300
Fanless 3.5" Boards Bring GPU Image Processing, Wide Temperature and USB 3.0 Support For Embedded Systems Fanless 3.5" Boards Bring GPU Image Processing, Wide Temperature and USB 3.0 Support For Embedded Systems 21.03.2014 #58
The Single Board Computer 355 series of 3.5-inch boards is based on the multi-core SoC Intel® Atom™ processor E3800 product family (formerly codenamed "Bay Trail"). This series of 3.5-inch boards operates at wide temperature range with low power consumption and features USB 3.0 ports and Intel® Gen 7 Graphics with multi-display support. NEXCOM's Single Board Computer 355 series of 3.5-inch boards are aimed at embedded applications.
Single Board Computer 355 Nexcom
Newsletter Intertraffic 2014 Newsletter Intertraffic 2014 20.03.2014 #57
Vom 25. bis 28. März 2014 findet die Intertraffic, die Fachmesse für die Bereiche Infrastruktur, ITS Verkehrsmanagement und Verkehrssicherheit, in Amsterdam statt. Hier werden wir in diesem Jahr gemeinsam mit unserem Partner NEXCOM vertreten sein. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit eines Messebesuchs für Kontakte und Fachgespräche an unserem Messestand in Halle 10 Stand 10.500.


Einladung zur embedded world 2014 Einladung zur embedded world 2014 11.02.2014 #56
Vom 25.02. bis 27.02.2014 trifft sich erneut die Embedded-Community in Nürnberg zur embeddedworld Exhibition & Conference 2014. Mehr als 800 Aussteller aus 35 Ländern zeigen Ihre Hardware, Software, Tools und Services. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit eines Messebesuchs für Kontakte und Fachgespräche mit unserem Expertenteam an unserem Messestand in Halle 1 Stand 410.


Einladung zur IT-Trans 2014 Einladung zur IT-Trans 2014 03.02.2014 #55
Vom 18. – 20. Februar 2014 findet die IT-Trans, die Fachmesse für IT-Lösungen im öffentlichen Personenverkehr, in Karlsruhe statt. Auch wir werden hier mit interessanten Produkten rund um den Bereich Railway-, Automotive- & Mobile Computing vertreten sein. Besuchen Sie uns an unserem Stand H15 in Halle 2 und lassen Sie sich überraschen, was wir für Sie vorbereitet haben.


NEXCOM Vehicle MultiTouch Monitor VMD 3002 NEXCOM Vehicle MultiTouch Monitor VMD 3002 21.01.2014 #54
Mit dem Vehicle Mount Display (VMD) 3002 unseres Partners NEXCOM treffen Sie die richtige Entscheidung bei der Suche nach einem robusten 10.4" Monitor. Mit einer Helligkeit von 1.200 cd/m², einem projected capacitive TouchScreen und Hochleistungs-Lautsprechern ist dieses Produkt perfekt für Anwendungen in jeglichen Fahrzeugen geeignet (z.B. Polizeifahrzeuge, Krankenwagen, Feuerwehrfahrzeugen, Schwertransporter, uvm.). Auch bei Outdoor Anwendungen kann der VMD 3002 überzeugen.


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