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LCD-Grafikmodule: Application Note

LCD-Controller T-6963C
LCD-Controller HD61830 / HD61830B
  1. Introduction
  2. Main Functions and Features
  3. Electrical Specifications
    1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. Electrical Characteristics
  4. Interface Pin Connections
    1. MPU Interface Pin Functions
    2. LCD Interface Pin Functions
  5. Timing Characteristics
  6. System Block Diagram
  7. Power Supply Considerations and /RES Terminal
    1. Power Supply Sequencing
    2. The /RES (RESET) Terminal
  8. Instruction Set
    1. Description of Pointer Set Commands
      1. Cursor Pointer Set
      2. Offset Register Set
      3. Address Pointer Set
    2. Description of Control Word Set Commands
      1. Text Home Address Set
      2. Text Area Set
      3. Graphic Home Address Set
      4. Graphic Area Set
    3. Description of Mode Set Commands
    4. Description of Display Mode Set Commands
    5. Description of Cursor Pattern Select Command
    6. Description of Data Auto Read/Write Commands
    7. Description of Data Read/Data Write Commands
    8. Description of Screen Peeking Command
    9. Description of Screen Copy Command
    10. Description of Bit Set/Bit Reset Command
  9. Communication between MPU and T6963C
    1. Data Transmission Methods
      1. Commands with 2 data bytes
      2. Commands with 1 data byte
      3. Commands with no data
      4. Data Auto Write & Data Auto Read Commands
      5. Screen Peeking and Screen Copy Commands
    2. Status Read
  10. Memory Addressing and Display Position
    1. The case of single screen drive LCD's
      1. Text Display Area for single screen LCD’s
      2. Graphic Display Area for single screen LCD’s
      3. Example RAM Map for single screen drive LCD
    2. The case of dual screen drive LCD's
      1. Text Display Area for dual screen LCD’s
      2. Graphic Display Area for dual screen LCD’s
      3. Example RAM Map for dual screen drive LCD
  11. Character Generator and Character Attribute Functions
    1. Internal Character Generator ROM
    2. User Defined Character Generator RAM
    3. Character Attribute Function
  12. Recommended Initialization
  13. Trouble shooting Guide
  14. Internal Character Generator Font Pattern and Character Codes
  1. Introduction
  2. Main Functions and Features
  3. Electrical Specifications
    1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. Electrical Characteristics
  4. Interface Pin Connections
    1. MPU Interface Pin Functions
    2. LCD Interface Pin Functions
  5. Timing Characteristics
    1. MPU Interface Timing
    2. LCD Interface Timing HD61830
    3. LCD Interface Timing HD61830B
  6. System Block Diagram
  7. Power Supply Sequencing and (Not RST) Terminal
  8. HD61830(B) Instruction Set
    1. Mode Control Register
    2. Character Pitch Register
    3. Horizontal Count Register
    4. Multiplex Ratio Register (1/Duty)
    5. Cursor Position Register
    6. Display Start Address Registers
    7. Cursor Address Register ( VRAM write address register)
    8. Write Data to VRAM Instruction
    9. Read data from VRAM Instruction
    10. Bit Clear and Bit Set Instructions
    11. Read BUSY FLAG
    12. Busy Signal Timing
  9. Definitions for HP, HN, VP, CP, NX
  10. Relationship between Display Mode, VRAM data and LCD dots
  11. External CG-ROM Pattern
  12. Recommended Register values for Initializing Densitron Displays
    1. Character Mode Initialization
    2. Graphics Mode Initialization
    3. Initialization Flow Diagram
  13. Trouble shooting Guide
  14. Internal Character Generator Font Pattern and Character Codes
    1. Amendment 001 to document AN-01
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